What are the 3 supporting documents for passport?

What are documents required for a Passport

  • Address proof – These are the documents that can be submitted as address proof for Passport.
  • Voter ID with present address.
  • Aadhaar card.
  • Telephone bill with current address.
  • Gas connection.
  • Bank passbook.
  • Rental agreement (If staying in a rented house)
  • Income Tax Assessment order.

What documents do I need to apply for British citizenship?

What Documents are Required for British Citizenship?

  1. Proof of identity: This could be your passport, driving licence, birth certificate, Home Office travel document or even a credit card statement issued to you within the last six months.
  2. Your biometric residence permit (if you have one)

What are the passport requirements for UK?

You must have a valid passport to enter the UK. It should be valid for the whole of your stay. You may also need a visa, depending on which country you’re from. Check if you need a visa to come to the UK.

What information is needed on a passport?

Items You Need to Apply for a U.S. Passport

  • An original proof of citizenship document.
  • An acceptable photo ID document.
  • A photocopy of the front and back of the citizenship document and photo ID document.

What address proof is required for passport?

Aadhaar letter/card or the e-Aadhaar (an electronically generated letter from the website of UIDAI), as the case may be, will be accepted as Proof of Address (POA) and Proof of Photo-Identity (POI) for availing passport related services.

What is proof of living in the UK?

bank statement showing payments received or spending in the UK. payslip for a UK-based job. water, gas or electricity bill showing a UK address. landline or mobile telephone, TV or internet bill showing a UK address. domestic bill, such as for home repairs, vet’s services or insurance, and evidence of payment.