What are the 3 possible outcomes from a jury?

How the jury could find. On each of those charges, there are three possible outcomes of the jury deliberations: acquittal, conviction or a hung jury.

What are the outcomes of a jury?

Trial Jury Consists of 6-12 people. Trials are generally public, but jury deliberations are private. Defendants have the right to appear, testify, and call witnesses on their behalf. Final outcome is a verdict, in favor of plaintiff or defendant in a civil case, or guilty/not guilty in a criminal case.

What are the different types of verdicts?

See also

  • Compromise verdict.
  • Defective verdict.
  • Directed verdict.
  • General verdict.
  • Judgment notwithstanding the verdict.
  • Quotient verdict.
  • Special verdict.

What could be the outcome of a trial?

If the judge or jury finds you guilty of the crime you are charged with at trial, you will be sentenced by the judge. Your punishment will depend on the crime you have been convicted of committing and could include fines, jail or prison sentence, home electronic monitoring, and probation.

What is the outcome of a case?

A case outcome refers to how the case is resolved in court. Case outcomes include Dismissal or Withdrawal, Diversion, a Guilty verdict, a Guilty plea, or an Acquittal (Not Guilty verdict). Except in the case of Acquittal, any outcome is subject to change through Refile, Reconsideration, or Appeal.

What is a trial outcome?

In a court of law, the verdict is the decision that is given by the jury or judge at the end of a trial.

What is the most important determinant of jurors verdicts in criminal trials?

Jurors in both criminal and civil cases pay attention to the strength of the evidence. It’s the most important determinant of jurors’ verdicts.

What is the outcome of a case called?

Verdict: the decision of a judge or jury at the end of a trial that the accused defendant is either guilty or not guilty.