What are the 3 different Oracle database startup modes?

Oracle has three shutdown modes namely normal, immediate and abort.

  • Shutdown normal: This is the default mode of shutting down the database.
  • Shutdown Transactional: Waits until all the transactions are completed and then shuts down the database.
  • Shutdown immediate:
  • Shutdown abort:

How does Entity Framework connect to Oracle database?

1 Answer

  1. generate create scripts from your SQL Server database,
  2. create the same tables in Oracle.
  3. Install ODP.NET from here. This will allow you to connect to Oracle from a . NET application.
  4. Now create a new edmx file from the tables in Oracle and if you do everything properly, your application should be running.

Can Entity Framework work with Oracle?

Yes. See this step by step tutorial of Entity Framework, LINQ, and Model-First for the Oracle database (11G), and using Visual Studio 2010 with .

When you start an Oracle DB which file is accessed first?

When Oracle starts an instance, it reads the server parameter file (SPFILE) or initialization parameter file to determine the values of initialization parameters. Then, it allocates an SGA, which is a shared area of memory used for database information, and creates background processes.

What happens when Oracle database startup?

The Open Oracle startup Stage When Oracle opens the database, it accesses all of the datafiles associated with the database. Once it has accessed the database datafiles, Oracle makes sure that all of the database datafiles are consistent.

Can we use LINQ with Oracle database?

LINQ to SQL doesn’t support Oracle, but the Entity Framework has a more open provider model, and there are Oracle drivers which support EF. So basically, for non-SQL Server databases I would ignore LINQ to SQL completely and look to EF.

What is EF code in Oracle?

It provides object-relational mapping for . NET developers. Code First allows developers to create . NET classes, which in turn can be persisted as database objects. Code First Migrations allows developers to evolve the code-based model so that changes are accurately reflected in the persistent database store.

What databases does Entity Framework support?

Entity Framework Core is a modern object-database mapper for . NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations. EF Core works with many databases, including SQL Database (on-premises and Azure), SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Azure Cosmos DB.

What is the difference between code first and database first in MVC?

The main difference between Code First approach and Database First approach is that the Code First enables you to write entity classes and its properties first without creating the database design first.