What are the 2 styles of hula?

Two overarching styles of hula are hula kahiko (ancient hula) and hula auana (modern hula).

What do Tahitian dancers wear?

TAHITIAN DANCE COSTUMES The basic skirt for both men and women, more’, is made of shredded purau bark, over which a decorative belt with tassels is worn. A wrap-around cloth skirt may be worn instead. The female top may be cloth, barl, leaves or coconut shells; the males may wear a poncho.

What do Hawaiians wear for hula?

Traditional Hula Costumes are typically made up of a ‘pa’u’ (a skirt) and a pā’ū mālō (a blouse), which are sometimes accompanied by other items such as an ʻahu ʻai (skirt cover), or lei, maile vines, or coconut leaves used for decoration.

Do hula dancers wear coconut bras?

It’s not clear where coconut bras came from, though they are worn by some female hula and Tahitian hula dancers. Women from Pacific islands traditionally didn’t wear tops at all, so they most likely originated at some point after first contact with Westerners, Brown said.

What are Tahitian skirts called?

A pāreu or pareo is a wraparound skirt worn on Tahiti or other Pacific islands. The term was originally used only for women’s skirts, as men wore a loincloth, called a maro. Nowadays the term is used for any cloth worn wrapped around the body by men and women.

What was traditional hula outfit?

Early hula kahiko costumes for women featured skirts made of kapa, or bark cloth. Men wore the skirts, too, or just a loincloth, called a malo. A lei for the head and its counterpart for the ankles and wrists—called kupe’e—were made of plants or materials such as shells and feathers.

Is hula a Hawaiian?

hula, sensuous mimetic Hawaiian dance, performed sitting or standing, with undulating gestures to instruments and chant. Originally, the hula was a religious dance performed by trained dancers before the king or ordinary people to promote fecundity, to honour the gods, or to praise the chiefs.