What are the 12 months in Polish?

12 months of the year in Polish Posted by Kasia on Feb 8, 2017 in Nature, Phrases

  • Styczeń is January in Polish.
  • Luty is February in Polish.
  • Marzec is March.
  • Kwiecień here we come!
  • Maj is my favorite month of the year!
  • Czerwiec is June in Polish language.
  • Lipiec is July in Polish.
  • Sierpień is August in Polish!

How do you read dates in Poland?

2018, or you can use Roman numerals for the month and lose the dots: 1 XI 2018. To write the date out in long-form, you use the word for the month and the numeric form of the day and year. So November 1, 2018 would be 1 listopada 2018. Sometimes, people will put an “r” at the end, which stands for rok, meaning “year”.

How are dates written in Poland?

Write dates in the European style: DD Month YYYY, writing the full name of the month and the full the year (1845, not ’45). You can also use numbers (01-12) to specify months. For example, April 7, 1890 should be written as 7 kwietnia 1890 or 07.04.1890.

How do you count in Polish?

Polish Numbers From Zero To Twenty

  1. zero — zero.
  2. one — jeden.
  3. two — dwa.
  4. three — trzy.
  5. four — cztery.
  6. five — pięć
  7. six — sześć
  8. seven — siedem.

What does Lis mean in Polish?

Lis (Polish for “Fox”) is a Polish coat of arms. It was used by many noble families of Clan Lis.

How do you say the days of the week in Polish?

The Polish word for ‘week’ is tydzień, and it comprises – surprisingly just as in English – of six days: Poniedziałek (Monday), Wtorek (Tuesday), Środa (Wednesday), Czwartek (Thursday), Piątek (Friday), Sobota (Saturday), and Niedziela (Sunday).

What month is Lipca?

Lipiec (July) Lipiec comes from the word lipa in Polish which is a linden tree. This tree blooms during this month in Poland.

How do you write numbers in Polish?

How do you say colors in Polish?

The Colors In Polish

  1. color — kolor.
  2. red — czerwony.
  3. orange — pomarańczowy.
  4. yellow — żółty.
  5. green — zielony.
  6. blue — niebieski.
  7. light blue — jasnoniebieski.
  8. dark blue — ciemnoniebieski.