What are special orthopedic tests?

Orthopedic special tests aim to make the diagnostic process more precise by implicating specific tissue structures that are dysfunctional, pathological, or lack structural integrity.

What is the Gillet’s test?

The Stork test, also known as the Gillet Test, assesses the movement of the SIJ between the innominate and sacrum through the clinician’s palpation, which may be a useful test for clinical evaluation of a subject’s ability to stabilize intrapelvic motion.

What are some special tests on the shoulder?

Physical tests your health care provider may perform to examine your shoulder include:

  • AC joint compression test.
  • Apprehension and relocation test.
  • Crank test.
  • Drop arm test.
  • Empty can or Jobe test.
  • Hawkins-Kennedy test.
  • Lift-off test.
  • Neer test.

Why are special tests important?

Using special tests with good sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios provide quality data to confirm and/or refute your diagnostic hypotheses. Good data from these tests allow you to determine appropriate treatment options and provide correct prognostic information to your patient.

What is specific testing?

Specificity measures a test’s ability to correctly generate a negative result for people who don’t have the condition that’s being tested for (also known as the “true negative” rate).

What is a positive Hawkins test?

A positive Hawkins-Kennedy test is indicative of an impingement of all structures that are located between the greater tubercle of the humerus and the coracohumeral ligament. The impinged structures include the supraspinatus muscle, teres minor muscle, and the infraspinatus muscle.

What’s the standing stork test?

The standing stork test monitors the progress of the athletes’ abilities to maintain balance in a static position. This test monitors the balance of athletes because the more balance you have as an athlete, the better you may perform on the field and the fewer injuries you are likely to sustain.

What does the stork balance test measure?

This test assesses the strength of the leg, pelvic, and trunk muscle, as well as dynamic balance [5]. Limitations are that equipment is required to conduct the test. The stork test is used to monitor the development of the individual’s ability to maintain a state of equilibrium (balance) in a static position [6].

What is Speed’s test?

The Speed’s Test is a common orthopedic test to assess for biceps pathology (like in biceps tendinopathy) as well as SLAP lesions in the shoulder. Originally the Speed’s test was designed to test for tenosynovitis of the long biceps tendon but is now being used for several pathologies of the biceps.

What are the three diagnostic tests of an orthopedic evaluation?

Common orthopaedic tests include bone densitometry, skeletal scintigraphy, discography, myelography and electromyography. Most of these tests rely on proven technology, such as X-ray, MRI, ultrasound and computed tomography.

What are types of test?

Types of Tests

  • Diagnostic Tests. These tests are used o diagnose how much you know and what you know.
  • Placement Tests. These tests are used to place students in the appropriate class or level.
  • Progress or Achievement Tests.
  • Proficiency Tests.
  • Internal Tests.
  • External Tests.
  • Objective Tests.
  • Subjective Tests.