What are some street smart tips?

10 Simple Tips For Staying Street Smart

  • 1) Always Stay Alert and Aware of Your Surroundings.
  • 2) Present Yourself as Confident.
  • 3) Make Note of Police, Fire and Other Important Facilities.
  • 4) Stick to Well-Lit and Populated Areas.
  • 5) Carry Belongings Close to Your Body.
  • 6) Park Near Other Cars and/or in Well-Lit Areas.

What are examples of street smarts?

Being street smart means knowing how to keep yourself safe from strangers when you’re alone or with other kids. Whether you’re walking to school or to the bus, hanging out on the playground, or riding your bike in your neighborhood, being street smart helps you stay safe.

How can you tell if someone is street smart?

Signs You Have Street Smarts

  1. You Stay Aware Of Your Surroundings.
  2. You Don’t Get Easily Intimidated.
  3. You Don’t Show Signs Of Weakness.
  4. You Don’t Confront People Unnecessarily.
  5. You Don’t Over-Share On Social Media.
  6. You Don’t Leave Without A Plan.

How do I teach my child to be street smart?

Teaching Your Kids Street Smarts

  1. Stay in areas with other people around.
  2. It’s better to be with a friend or a group of friends than to travel alone.
  3. Stay alert to your surroundings.
  4. Avoid going into a public restroom alone.
  5. Never talk to strangers.
  6. Don’t walk or ride your bike near parked cars.

How do you become a street smart in NYC?

Your best bet: Do not purchase tickets from anyone on the street (representatives from reputable double-decker bus tours tend to be a friendly exception here). Buy your ticket from the booth or building where the company is based. If you see aggressive ticket sellers, find and inform the nearest police officer.

Why street smart is important?

Being street smart means you have a good environmental or situational understanding. You know what’s going on around you. More importantly, you can see what’s happening around you. You are able to make judgments on the scenario, the place, and people around you, and you are able to trust these personal judgments.

How do I become a streetwise?

How to be Streetwise and Safe

  1. Do stay alert. Keep your mind on your surroundings, who’s in front of you and who’s behind you.
  2. Do communicate the message that you’re calm, confident, and know where you’re going. Stand tall, walk purposefully, and make quick eye contact with people around you.
  3. Do trust your instincts.

How do you get Streetsmart?

In the urban world, being street smart means instinctively knowing how to keep yourself safe from scams and bad guys….Street Smart Disciplines Every Entrepreneur Needs

  1. Work smart.
  2. Present everything.
  3. Deal with people.
  4. Watch your money.
  5. Get more business.
  6. Manage yourself.
  7. Everybody sells.

How do I protect my child from strangers?

Even so, these seven tips can help protect your child:

  1. tell your child to avoid talking to people they don’t know when you’re not around.
  2. make sure your child knows never to walk away with strangers.
  3. make sure your child understands that they should always tell you if a stranger approaches, and never to keep this secret.

Is street smart the same as common sense?

The main difference being that street smarts are based on difficult life experiences that someone has been able to overcome. Whereas common sense is based on a person’s natural instincts, with their life experience being just one factor.

Are New Yorkers street smart?

Native New Yorkers have street smarts and the strength that people from other places in the country could never even dream about.