What are some of the advantages of the gall-Peters Projection?

The Peters World Map is an Equal Area cylindrical projection with standard parallels at 45 degrees thus resulting in a distortion of shape which is stretched about the equator and squashed towards the poles, but having the great advantage that all countries are correct in size in relation to each other.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the gall-Peters Projection?

Advantages: On Peters’s projection, […], areas of equal size on the globe are also equally sized on the map. Disadvantages: Peters’s chosen projection suffers extreme distortion in the polar regions, as any cylindrical projection must, and its distortion along the equator is considerable.

What are the advantages of the Robinson projection?

Advantage: The Robinson map projection shows most distances, sizes and shapes accurately. Disadvantage: The Robinson map does have some distortion around the poles and edges. Who uses it? The Robinson is most commonly used by students, teachers, textbooks and atlases.

Why is the Peters projection better?

In addition, Mercator only distorts longitudinal distances (except very close to the poles), whereas Peters screws up the scale almost everywhere for both longitude and latitude. This is why Mercator beats out Peters in the world of cartography, and why Google Maps uses a modified Mercator projection.

What is the strength of the Peters projection?

3. The projection helps to keep the proportion of countries equalized. The Peters projection is still an equal-area map. Whereas the Mercator design inflates the sizes of regions as they gain distance from the equator, this option works to keep the borders of equal size on the map even with the distortions in place.

What is one negative of using the Gall-Peters projection?

Despite these benefits, the Gall-Peters projection has its flaws. It doesn’t enlarge areas as much as the Mercator projection, but certain places appear stretched, horizontally near the poles and vertically near the Equator.

What is one benefit of the Robinson projection different from the Mercator?

Unlike the Mercator projection, the Robinson projection has both the lines of altitude and longitude evenly spaced across the map.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a each map projections?

Advantage: The Equal-Area map projection show the correct sizes of landmasses and continents. Disadvantage: The Equal area map causes the shapes of landmasses to be altered and forced into curves.

Which map projection is the most accurate?

AuthaGraph. This is hands-down the most accurate map projection in existence. In fact, AuthaGraph World Map is so proportionally perfect, it magically folds it into a three-dimensional globe.

Why is the gall-Peters map more accurate than the Mercator map?

The Peters projection map uses a rectangular coordinate system that shows parallel lines of latitude and longitude. In reality, the Mercator map was never intended to be used as a wall map and by the time Peters started complaining about it, the Mercator map was well on its way out of fashion anyway.

Why is the gall Peters Map bad?

Countries are stretched horizontally near the poles and vertically near the Equator, so although the size may be right, the shape definitely isn’t. The problem is, it’s impossible to stretch the 3D sphere shape of the Earth onto a 2D sheet of paper.