What are some good Oblivion mods?

The 15 Best Oblivion Mods, Ranked

  1. 1 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.
  2. 2 Better Cities.
  3. 3 Qarl’s Texture Pack II.
  4. 4 Companion Vilja.
  5. 5 Midas Magic Spells of Aurum.
  6. 6 Oblivion Character Overhaul.
  7. 7 Better Dungeons.
  8. 8 Natural Environments.

What is the best armor you can buy in Oblivion?

[Top 5] Elder Scrolls Oblivion Best Armor and How To Get Them

  1. Brusef Amelion’s Armor (Best for fighting characters)
  2. Ebony Armor (Best for fighting characters)
  3. Daedric Armor (Best for Warriors)
  4. Glass Armor (Best for light-armored characters)
  5. Imperial Dragon Armor (Best for fighting characters)

What is the best Oblivion graphics mod?

Fans can learn even more about the mod from the team’s official website.

  1. 1 Oblivion Upscaled Textures. A player can never go wrong with too many texture packs.
  2. 2 Mesh Improvement Project.
  3. 3 All Natural.
  4. 4 Better Cities.
  5. 5 Qarl’s Texture Pack III.
  6. 6 Alive Waters.
  7. 7 Oblivion Character Overhaul.
  8. 8 Oblivion Realm HD.

Does armor matter in Oblivion?

Wearing any kind of armor will lower one’s spell effectiveness, which is determined by the number of armor pieces they wear and their skill level in it. At Journeyman level in the armor skills, wearing any armor piece will put the spell effectiveness at 95% which cannot be increased further.

Is Madness armor better than daedric?

Madness armor is a variety of heavy armor. The armor is stronger than Daedric armor, and is slightly heavier.

Is mehrunes razor in Oblivion?

Mehrunes’ Razor is an official download for Oblivion, adding a new quest to retrieve a powerful dagger. The download introduces a new nine-level dungeon, a new set of armor owned by an assassin, new clothes, new weaponry, new clutter items, and a new spell which can refine metal ore.

Will Oblivion be remastered?

A fan-made remaster of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion has released a major update on progress, for the first time making positive noises about completion in the not-too-distant future.