What are some good accommodations for gifted students?

4.1 Accommodations and Modifications for Students who are Gifted

  • Tiered Assignments.
  • Open-Ended Assignments.
  • Enrichment (Independent Study, Independent Research, Sophistication of Projects)
  • Acceleration (Telescoping, Compacting, Ability or Need Grouping)

What education is best for gifted child?

The most appropriate learning environment could include anything from a gifted program in the school the child is already attending, to a public school with a self-contained gifted program, to a school specifically for profoundly gifted students, and many more.

What are some instructional modifications for gifted students?

With the following strategies, teachers can tend to the complex needs of their high-ability students in the heterogeneous classroom.

  • Offer the Most Difficult First.
  • Pre-Test for Volunteers.
  • Prepare to Take It Up.
  • Speak to Student Interests.
  • Enable Gifted Students to Work Together.
  • Plan for Tiered Learning.

What is curriculum for gifted students?

The Gifted Kids Curriculum (GCACT, 2010) equips students with skills, knowledge, and self-understanding, using a framework that develops talents, conceptual learning, thinking skills, and the affective domain.

Is it best to homeschool a gifted child?

You’ll need to consider the educational approach that is best for your gifted child, which may vary and change from time to time. One of the best ways to make this decision is to talk to other successful homeschooling families to see what they have liked best, and why it’s worked well for their gifted child.

Why should curriculum be differentiated for gifted students?

By differentiating in the classroom, gifted students are able to go beyond what is being taught and challenge themselves by working on something that is more at their learning level. It allows the learning to be more customized to the student.

How do you teach gifted students?

  1. Get to know their intellectual passions.
  2. Encourage them to talk about current events.
  3. Give them the freedom to move.
  4. Don’t forget their non-academic needs.
  5. Get gifted children involved in group work.
  6. Try not to turn bright students into teachers.
  7. Allow them to chat about books with you.

What is curriculum compacting for gifted students?

Curriculum Compacting involves accelerating certain aspects of the curriculum for individual students who have mastered certain material before it has even been taught. Curriculum Compacting provides gifted students with the opportunity to learn advanced concepts rather than sitting through instruction they don’t need.