What are some fun facts about the Temple of Artemis?

The great temple was built by Croesus, king of Lydia, about 550 bce and was rebuilt after being burned by a madman named Herostratus in 356 bce. The Artemesium was famous not only for its great size, over 350 by 180 feet (about 110 by 55 metres), but also for the magnificent works of art that adorned it.

What was the Temple of Artemis known for?

Contents. The temple became a worship center for people of all faiths from many lands, including a sect of Ephesians who worshiped Cybele, the Greek Earth Mother goddess. It was also known as the Temple of Diana, the equivalent Roman goddess to Artemis.

Why is the Temple of Artemis An ancient wonder of the world?

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus made it onto the established list of Seven Wonders because of its size and beauty; the location right next to the sea (which since antiquity has retracted several kilometres) must also have contributed to the mesmerising effect of the building.

What happened in the Temple of Artemis?

An arsonist burned down the Temple of Artemis On July 21, 356 B.C., a man by the name of Herostratus entered the Temple of Artemis and decided to set it aflame. By the next morning, the whole thing was reduced to charred bits of rubble (via Amusing Planet).

How long did it take to build the temple of Artemis?

Its reconstruction, in more grandiose form, began around 550 BC, under Chersiphron, the Cretan architect, and his son Metagenes. The project was funded by Croesus of Lydia, and took 10 years to complete. This version of the temple was destroyed in 356 BC by Herostratus in an act of arson.

How many times did the Temple of Artemis get destroyed?

It had to be rebuilt at least three times due to fire, flood and a mob that was determined to destroy it. Each time it was rebuilt it became larger and even more beautiful and impressive. Interesting Temple of Artemis at Ephesus Facts: The Temple of Artemis is also known as the Temple of Diana.

What was the Temple of Artemis made out of?

white marble
The First Temple of Artemis The Temple of Artemis was an immense, rectangular structure made of white marble. The Temple was 350-feet long and 180-feet wide, larger than a modern, American-football field.

How did the Temple of Artemis get destroyed?

Destruction. In 356 BC, the temple burned down. Various sources describe this as a vainglorious act of arson by a man, Herostratus, who set fire to the wooden roof-beams, seeking fame at any cost; thus the term herostratic fame.

What tools did the Temple of Artemis use?

Only two different materials were used on the temple of Artemis, both on the archaic temple and on the Hellenic: marble and wood.

What was Temple of Artemis made of?

92), the fabulously wealthy king of Lydia (ruled 560-546 BC), the Temple of Artemis (Artemisium) at Ephesus was the first to be entirely of marble and one of the largest Greek temples ever built, measuring some 377 feet in length and 180 feet wide (larger by twenty feet on a side than a football field).

How did they build the Temple of Artemis?

According to Pliny the Elder, the architect of the temple of Croesus Theodoros of Samos found the solution. He had the idea of ​​installing a substrate made of a mixture of sand and coal on a bed of animal skins. This substrate made it possible to fix the ground to make the foundations.