What are some examples of conditioned reflexes?
What are some examples of conditioned reflexes?
Conditioned reflex: conditioned reflex is the stimulus which is associated with another stimulus and response is generated. For example: Salivation in a hungry dog in response to ringing a bell.
What are conditioned reflexes of humans?
A conditioned reflex, also called an acquired reflex, is an automatic response to a stimulus that differs from that initially causing the response, but that has become associated with it by repetition, in a process known as classical conditioning.
What is an example of a reflex action in humans?
Pulling our hands away immediately after touching a hot or cold object is a classic example of a reflex action.
Is sneezing An example of conditioned reflex?
Option B: Secretion of saliva is normally an unconditioned reflex but it was seen in Pavlov’s experiment that this reflex can also be a conditioned reflex. Therefore, this is the correct option. Option C: Sneezing reflex is an unconditioned reflex.
Is walking a conditioned reflex?
When an action is done repeatedly the nervous system becomes familiar with the situation and learns to react automatically, and a new reflex is built into the system. Walking, running, and typewriting are examples of activities that require large numbers of complex muscle coordinations that have become automatic.
Which is an example of conditioned?
In classical conditioning, a conditioned response is a learned response to a previously neutral stimulus. For example, the smell of food is an unconditioned stimulus, a feeling of hunger in response to the smell is an unconditioned response, and the sound of a whistle when you smell the food is a conditioned stimulus.
Is cycling a conditioned reflex?
Learning of dancing, cycling, singing, swimming and driving are conditioned reflexes.
Is sweating a reflex action?
Sweating is not a reflex action. It is primarily a means of temperature regulation.
Is blinking a reflex action?
Blinking of eyes is a reflex action. Blinking of eyes is a reflex action.
Is coughing a conditioned reflex?
Sneezing, coughing, and gagging are similar reflexes in response to foreign bodies in the nose and throat, and the wink reflex helps protect the eyes from injury. A conditioned reflex is one acquired as the result of experience.
Is knee jerk a reflex action?
Yes, knee jerk is a reflex action. It is also known as the patellar reflex. A tap on the patellar tendon causes contraction of the quadriceps muscle, which results in straightening of the leg in kicking motion.
Is swimming a conditioned reflex?