What are side effects of Mirena?
What are side effects of Mirena?
Side effects associated with Mirena include:
- Headache.
- Acne.
- Breast tenderness.
- Irregular bleeding, which can improve after six months of use.
- Mood changes.
- Cramping or pelvic pain.
What are the pros and cons of the Mirena IUD?
Pros And Cons Of An IUD
- Pro: It’s so tiny you can’t feel it.
- Con: Your OB/GYN specialist must insert it.
- Pro: Almost as effective as abstinence.
- Con: IUDs don’t protect against STDs.
- Pro: It’s ready when you are.
- Con: Rarely, the IUD slips out of place.
- Pro: Low maintenance.
- Con: Sometimes has side effects.
What happens after Mirena is inserted?
You’ll likely have some cramps and spotting after the IUD is inserted. Mild cramps and bleeding can last from 3 to 6 months. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, to ease any discomfort. You can also place a heating pad or hot water bottle on your belly.
How long is Mirena good for?
The Mirena, Kyleena, Liletta, and Skyla IUDs use the hormone progestin to prevent pregnancy. Progestin is very similar to the hormone progesterone that our bodies make naturally. Mirena works for up to 7 years.
Who is Mirena recommended for?
Mirena is indicated for intrauterine contraception for up to 5 years. Thereafter, if continued contraception is desired, the system should be replaced. Mirena is recommended for women who have had at least one child. Mirena has been studied for safety and efficacy in two large clinical trials in Finland and Sweden.
How long does it take to recover from Mirena insertion?
Recovery can be almost immediate, but some women experience cramping discomfort for the rest of the day. Heating pads and over-the-counter (OTC) pain killers can help. Cramping and spotting may continue intermittently for 3 to 6 months. This is normal.
What happens if you leave Mirena in longer than 5 years?
If your IUD is left in your uterus past the expiration date, the most serious danger would be infection. Serious infections can cause infertility. The other risk is that an expired IUD will not be an effective birth control method.
Does Mirena stop periods?
After you have used Mirena for a while, the number of bleeding and spotting days is likely to lessen. For some women, periods will stop altogether. When Mirena is removed, your menstrual periods should return.