What are shards in ingress?

Shards are in-Scanner objects that are displayed as small fragments circling the top of a Portal on the Scanner. They usually appear as part of an anomalous event. The goal is to get them to a target Portal by creating Links for the Shards to travel along.

How long do resonators last ingress?

capacity every 24 hours. . The Portal will occasionally counterattack and drain an amount of XM from the attacker proportional to its level. , all Links attached to the Portal will be broken.

What is Apex in ingress?

The Apex Boost is a single-use item that temporarily multiplies AP earned while the Boost is active. 2X, 1.5X, and 1.25X versions of Apex Boosts are available. Once activated, an Apex lasts for 30 minutes. The map screen will show a timer indicating the time remaining on an active Boost.

How do you get kinetic capsules in ingress?

To craft the item, you must generate sufficient kinetic energy by walking a specified distance. For example, the Common Kinetic Capsule runs 8km Programs. Once you’ve walked the necessary distance, you’ll receive a COMM Alert letting you know the Program has successfully completed and to claim your item.

How do you get a battle beacon in ingress?

How can I get a Battle Beacon? Battle Beacons are a premium item available within the in-app Store. Agents who have a minimum of 1.2 Million AP can purchase the Rare Battle Beacon and those who have reached 40 Million AP can purchase the Very Rare Battle Beacon.

Can you have more than one kinetic capsule?

Level 4+ Agents can claim one Common Kinetic Capsule for free at the Store which is indestructible and reusable. The Kinetic Capsule management menu allows you to select from a menu of known Programs, which are instructions that can be executed to craft a specific item.

What is a beacon in ingress?

Beacons are items that can be used to mark Portals in the Scanner. They are sold in the Ingress Store and given out during special Niantic events such as Anomalies. Certain Beacons may also be given out for free for special events or occasions.

How long do battle beacons last?

The entire Battle Beacon Challenge lasts 15 minutes. In addition to the Faction Emblem of the winning Faction being displayed above the Portal for four hours, Fireworks in the colour of the winning Faction will be displayed for a minute.

What does quantum capsule do in ingress?

The Quantum Capsule is a Capsule variant that occasionally duplicates items inside it. It is the rarest item to get from a Hack. Quantum Capsules duplicate items exactly once per day. The number of items created is proportional to the number stored in the Quantum Capsule.

Is capsule cover harmful?

They are reported to cause indigestion, upset and bloated stomach, hypersensitivity, exposure to toxins leading to gastric problems, and their excessive consumption can also cause kidney and liver damage. The protein from gelatin cannot be used by the body due to its incomplete form.

What does a portal fracker do?

The portal fracker is a premium boost which doubles a portal’s hack yield for all agents.