What are questions to ask in QuickBooks?

QuickBooks Questions: The 11 Most Common Questions, Answered

  • Can you add credit card accounts to your QuickBooks feed?
  • How do you perform transfers between accounts?
  • Can a customer pay the total balance due on multiple outstanding invoices?
  • How do you delete a connected bank account?

How can I get help with QuickBooks?

How to get a call or chat from us

  1. Open QuickBooks.
  2. Go to Help, then select QuickBooks Desktop Help.
  3. Select Contact Us.
  4. Give a brief description of your issue, then select Let’s talk, and then choose a way to connect.

Is there a QuickBooks for Dummies?

QuickBooks All-in-One 2022 For Dummies is the trusted go-to that will save you time and allow you to focus on the business of running your small business!

How do I ask a question in QuickBooks?

How do I ask a question to the QBO community?

  1. Upon logging in, hover over the Community tab at the top of the page.
  2. Click the QuickBooks Q&A board to see all of the product sections offered.
  3. Choose the topic you’d like to ask a question about.
  4. Select the green Start a discussion button in the top right corner.

How can I learn QuickBooks for free?

Want to Learn QuickBooks for Free? These 11 Places Will Make You a Money Expert

  1. QuickBooks Tutorials.
  2. QuickBooks Learning Center.
  3. QuickBooks-Training.net.
  4. QuickBooks Training.
  5. Fit Small Business.
  6. GCF Learn Free.
  7. QuickBooks Explained.
  8. Udemy.

How do I talk to a human in QuickBooks?

How do i get a human being to speak with?

  1. Go to the (?) Help icon in your QuickBooks Online (QBO) account.
  2. Select the Search tab.
  3. Click Contact Us.
  4. Enter a brief discussion of your concern and click Continue.
  5. Select either Chat with us (if you preferred messaging) or Give us a call.

How do I speak with a live person at Intuit?

Need to speak to a live person

  1. Go to the Help menu.
  2. In the Assistant window, you can enter “Chat” in the field.
  3. Enter your concern, then click Let’s talk.
  4. Start a chat with a support expert.

Can you use QuickBooks for personal finances?

QuickBooks Online is the best-installed combination of home and business accounting software as it offers a host of functionalities that help you run your home, manage your personal finances, and run the business out of your home all in one place.