What are Power-Ups in Zombies?

There are certain extra awards you can earn by killing zombies or hell hounds. These are known as power ups. The zombies must be within your room, not outside a barrier, in order to give these power ups. They will glow green and spin around as a gold emblem. Touch the award to activate it for your entire team.

What are the nine core Power-Ups in Zombies?


  • Insta-Kill. Main article: Insta-Kill.
  • Double Points. Main article: Double Points.
  • Max Ammo. Main article: Max Ammo.
  • Nuke. Main article: Nuke.
  • Carpenter. Main article: Carpenter.
  • Fire Sale. Main article: Fire Sale.
  • Death Machine. Main article: Death Machine.
  • Bonfire Sale. Main article: Bonfire Sale.

What does the full power power-up do in Cold War Zombies?

Cold War Outbreak Full Power icon is two swords with a blue glow around them. With the Cold War Outbreak Full Power Power Up, players will have their primary weapon fully charged and all of their other types of equipment will be refilled to wreak havoc in the new Zombies map.

What do the red drops on moon do?

Anti-Power-Ups are negative power-ups meaning they effect the player or players in a negative way. They are only obtainable on Moon or Turned. The Anti-Power-Ups appearance is like any power-up but with a red glow and a gold object in the centre to show which power-up it is.

What does the full power perk do?

Simply put, Full Power replenishes your special ability immediately. This is exceptionally useful when in a large fight against the undead, or when preparing to get into another fight.

What’s a bonfire sale power-up?

Bonfire Sale is a Power-Up that the Pentagon Thief drops in the Call of Duty: Black Ops map of “Five”. The only way to receive it is to kill the Pentagon Thief before he steals any weapons. Or in Black Ops 4 you can obtain one from the Conflagration Liquidation elixir.

What is the full power powerup?

The Full Power power-up is denoted by an icon of two crossed swords, surrounded by a blue glow. Consuming Full Power has two simultaneous effects: Fully charges the player’s Special Weapon. Refills all the player’s other equipment.

What is the best field upgrade in Cold War Zombies?

Here are the five best ones you should consider upgrading and using.

  1. Ring of Fire. Ring of Fire puts, you guessed it, a ring of fire around you that will boost yours and any teammate’s damage as you stand inside it.
  2. Frenzied Guard.
  3. Healing Aura.
  4. Aether Shroud.
  5. Toxic Growth.

How many calories is Jugger-Nog?

One can of Juggernog contains: 1000 calories, 70g of total fat, 45g of sodium, 5000g of total carb, 90g of sugars, and 400g of protein.

Is the CRBS in outbreak?

Shockwave, and CRBR-S are all available to obtain in Black Ops Cold War’s Zombies Outbreak mode through various means. Being Wonder Weapons, all these tools of destruction will ensure maximum effectiveness while fighting Zombies.