What are ordinal numbers from 11 to 20?
What are ordinal numbers from 11 to 20?
Ordinal numbers 11-20
cardinal | ordinal | |
11 | eleven | eighteenth eleventh fifteenth fourteenth nineteenth seventeenth sixteenth thirteenth twelfth twentieth |
20 | twenty | eighteenth eleventh fifteenth fourteenth nineteenth seventeenth sixteenth thirteenth twelfth twentieth |
What are the numbers 11 20 in Spanish?
Numbers 11-20
= 11 | ONCE |
= 18 | DIECIOCHO |
= 20 | VEINTE |
What is the ordinal for 20?
first | 1st |
nineteenth | 19th |
twentieth | 20th |
twenty-first | 21st |
twenty-second | 22nd |
What is the ordinal number of 11?
Ordinal Numbers 1 to 50 | ||
1st: First | 11th: Eleventh | 21st: Twenty-First |
2nd: Second | 12th: Twelfth | 22nd: Twenty-Second |
3rd: Third | 13th: Thirteenth | 23rd: Twenty-Third |
4th: Fourth | 14th: Fourteenth | 24th: Twenty-Fourth |
What are the ordinal numbers in Spanish?
Ordinal Numbers 1-10
English | Spanish |
First | Primero |
Second | Segundo |
Third | Tercero |
Fourth | Cuarto |
How do we read and write ordinal numbers from 1st to 20th?
How to Write Ordinal Numbers Correctly
- first (1st)
- second (2nd)
- third (3rd)
- fourth (4th)
- fifth (5th)
- sixth (6th)
- seventh (7th)
- eighth (8th)
What is the spelling of 11 to 20?
11 – Eleven, 12 – Twelve, 13 – Thirteen, 14 – Fourteen, 15 – Fifteen, 16 – Sixteen, 17 – Seventeen, 18 – Eighteen, 19 – Nineteen, 20 -Twenty.
What are the numbers 1 to 20 in Spanish?
There’s no real pattern, you just have to learn them: uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez, once, doce, trece, catorce, quince. Other than veinte (again), they all have a clear relationship with the related smaller number: cuatro <-> cuarenta, ocho <-> ochenta, etc.
How do you write 22nd or 22?
22nd vs 22th. When talking about the twenty-second day of the month, use the word 22nd; 22th would be incorrect.
How do you write 20th in words?
Therefore 20 in words is written as Twenty.
How do you write ordinal numbers in Spanish?
Ordinal Numbers Function as Adjectives
- First: primero.
- Second: segundo.
- Third: tercero.
- Fourth: cuarto.
- Fifth: quinto.
- Sixth: sexto.
- Seventh: séptimo, sétimo.
- Eighth: octavo.