What are ontogenetic adaptations?
What are ontogenetic adaptations?
Ontogenetic adaptation is an “ecological” concept in which mammalian maturation is seen as a coordinated sequence of specializations (stages) that enables the infant to survive within a sequence of distinct niches created by the parent(s) and the rest of the environment.
Which of the following is an example of an ontogenetic adaptation?
Examples of ontogenetic adapta- tions are provided from the prenatal (e.g., placenta in mammals), infancy (e.g., nursing and rooting reflex; neonatal imitation), and childhood (e.g., overestimation of one’s abilities, egocentricity) periods.
What are developmental adaptations?
Developmental adaptation refers to the ability of an organism to modify its phenotype in response to environmental exposures over the course of growth and development.
What is a ontogenetic effect?
Ontogeny (also ontogenesis) is the origination and development of an organism (both physical and psychological, e.g., moral development), usually from the time of fertilization of the egg to adult.
What is the difference between ontogeny and phylogeny?
Difference Between Ontogeny And Phylogeny Ontogeny refers to the development of an organism while phylogeny refers to how the organisms have evolved.
Why are emotions considered ontogenetic adaptations?
-Emotions as Ontogenetic Adaptions- Refers t a trait or behavior that has evolved because it contributes to survival and normal development; in one view, infant emotions are ontogenetic adaptions.
What is an example of a behavior caused by ontogeny?
For example, chicks might “learn” to peck before hatching as a result of the rhythmic beating of their heart, or they might have a pecking reflex and simply learn to associate a food reward with pecking at the parent’s bill.
At what level does developmental or ontogenetic adaptation occur?
Developmental (or ontogenetic) adaptation occurs at the level of the individual during a critical period of growth and development, childhood especially. The capacity to make the change is inherited, but the change is not inherited and is not reversible.
What is ontogenic development?
Ontogeny is the development of a single individual, or a system within the individual, from the fertilized egg to maturation and death.1.
What is the meaning of ontogenetic?
Definition of ontogenetic 1 : of, relating to, or appearing in the course of ontogeny. 2 : based on visible morphological characters.