What are NIPHS?

Noninsulinoma pancreatogenous hypoglycemia syndrome (NIPHS) is a rare syndrome characterized by endogenous hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia that is not caused by an insulinoma.

What causes Niphs?

The specific causes for NIPHS after gastric bypass remain under investigation. The most common theory is that b-cell hyperplasia may occur as a result of the surgical procedure itself and not due to obesity.

How is Nesidioblastosis treated?

In mild cases, dietary modifications (low carbohydrate diet) might be sufficient to resolve symptoms. Pharmacological treatment options include diazoxide, acarbose, corticosteroids, verapamil, and octreotide. In patients developing severe symptoms partial or total pancreatectomy might be required.

What is nesidioblastosis?

Nesidioblastosis is a rare cause of persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia in adults. The incidence of nesidioblastosis in adults is unknown, but it is generally thought to be very low. The β cell changes in adult nesidioblastosis suggest a dysregulation of the function of the cell.

What causes Nesidioblastosis?

Nesidioblastosis is a controversial medical term for hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia attributed to excessive insulin production by pancreatic beta cells that have an abnormal microscopic appearance.

How is Nesidioblastosis diagnosed?

Although confirming a diagnosis of nesidioblastosis requires histopathologic examination, preoperative localization of a mass lesion is necessary for proper surgical resection procedures. In many patients, nesidioblastosis cannot be detected by current noninvasive imaging modalities, including US, CT, and MRI.

Can dumping syndrome cause seizures?

Dumping syndrome can result in significant weight loss (30%) and considerably affects quality of life [51]. It may lead to hospitalizations due to hypoglycemia, episodes of confusion, seizures and even epilepsy [52].

How common is Nesidioblastosis?

Nesidioblastosis in adults is rare, with an estimated incidence of approximately 0.5%–7% of all adults with organic hyperinsulinism [3]. Nesidioblastosis is difficult to diagnose clinically based on preoperative imaging modalities and patient symptoms.

What foods should you avoid with dumping syndrome?

Avoid simple sugars such as sweets, candy, soda, cakes, and cookies. Avoid foods that are very hot or very cold. These can trigger dumping syndrome symptoms. Do not drink liquids with your meal.

How long can you live with an insulinoma?

Survival for insulinomas About 55 out of every 100 people (55%) diagnosed with insulinoma survive for 5 years or more. This 5 year survival rate comes from a European study that looked at 80 people diagnosed with insulinoma between 1985 and 1994.