What are memory mapped files in C#?

A memory-mapped file is a feature of the Windows operating system which allows memory to be shared between two or more processes running on the same machine. It requires much less overhead than other methods of inter-process communication such as remoting or WCF.

Where are memory mapped files stored?

The memory mapping process is handled by the virtual memory manager, which is the same subsystem responsible for dealing with the page file. Memory mapped files are loaded into memory one entire page at a time. The page size is selected by the operating system for maximum performance.

Are memory mapped files faster?

Perks of Memory Mapped File Writing So you can write/read, from many threads as possible. Or even shared between processes. As long as race conditions do not occur. Performance: Memory mapped writing is often fast as no stream/file buffers are used.

How does a memory map work?

Memory-mapping is a mechanism that maps a portion of a file, or an entire file, on disk to a range of addresses within an application’s address space. The application can then access files on disk in the same way it accesses dynamic memory.

How does mmap file work?

mmap works by manipulating your process’s page table, a data structure your CPU uses to map address spaces. The CPU will translate “virtual” addresses to “physical” ones, and does so according to the page table set up by your kernel. When you access the mapped memory for the first time, your CPU generates a page fault.

What is a mmap file?

An . mmap file is a file format created by Mindjet for it’s mind mapping software, MindManager. These mmap files are also referred to as memory files, mind maps, etc. They can contain many different elements such as images, icons, equations, text, symbols, and more.

Which memory mapping is more efficient?

Associative Mapping – This enables the placement of any word at any place in the cache memory. It is considered to be the fastest and the most flexible mapping form.

What is memory-mapped architecture?

What Is Memory-Mapping? Memory-mapping is a mechanism that maps a portion of a file, or an entire file, on disk to a range of addresses within an application’s address space. The application can then access files on disk in the same way it accesses dynamic memory.