What are ion selective electrodes used for?

Ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) are very similar in use to pH electrodes. They are used for chloride, potassium, calcium, carbon dioxide/carbonate, oxygen, and a variety of other ions. These methods are particularly suited for field analysis and online measurements.

What are ion selective electrodes give examples?

The most common glass membrane ion selective electrode is the pH electrode. Another common one is the sodium selective electrode. Two. Crystalline or solid state membrane electrodes are made from relatively insoluble ionically conducting inorganic salts. These are available in homogeneous and heterogeneous forms.

What is ion-selective potentiometry?

An ion-selective electrode (ISE), is a type of electrochemical sensor that converts the activity of a specific ion dissolved in a solution into an electrical potential.

Which electrode is used as a membrane electrode in potentiometry?

Glass membrane electrodes are generally used to quantify monovalent cations, particularly protons (the pH electrode) and sodium ions. Figure 1(a) shows a glass membrane electrode. The ion-selective glass layer separates the sample or external solution from an internal reference solution.

Which cell is used in potentiometry?

Thus the potentiometric titration involve measurement of Ecell with the addition of titrant. Types of potentiometric titration: acid–base titration (total alkalinity and total acidity), redox titration (HI/HY and cerate), precipitation titration (halides), and complexometric titration (free EDTA and Antical #5).

What are the applications of potentiometry?

Applications of potentiometric titrations It is used in clinical chemistry for the analysis of metals. It is used for the analysis of cyanide, ammonia etc., in water or wastewater. It is used in agriculture for the detection of different elements in soils, fertilizers etc.

What is an ion selective electrode explain its principle and working of glass electrode?

Principle of ion-selective electrode (I.S.E.) An ideal I.S.E. consists of a thin membrane across which only the intended ion can be transported. The transport of ions from a high conc. to a low one through a selective binding with some sites within the membrane creates a potential difference.

What are the two types of electrodes used in a potentiometric analysis?

Two classes of indicator electrodes are used in potentiometry: metallic electrodes, which are the subject of this section, and ion-selective electrodes, which are covered in the next section.

Which electrodes are used in potentiometry experiments?

Calomel and silver/silver-chloride electrodes are commonly used in potentiometric titration.

Which electrodes are used in potentiometry?

Potentiometric Titration is done via the usage of two electrodes – an indicator electrode and a reference electrode (generally a hydrogen electrode or a silver chloride electrode).