What are hospital revenue codes?

In short, Revenue Codes are descriptions and dollar amounts charged for hospital services provided to a patient. The revenue code tells an insurance company whether the procedure was performed in the emergency room, operating room or another department.

What do revenue codes mean?

Revenue codes means a method of coding used by hospitals or health care systems to identify the department in which medical service was rendered to the patient or the type of item or equipment used in the delivery of medical services.

What is revenue code 391?

Hospitals should bill for transfusion services using Revenue Code 391 “Blood Administration” and HCPCS code 36430 through 36460.

What does code 300 mean in hospital?

2012 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 300. Anxiety, dissociative and somatoform disorders.

What is revenue code 361?

26 U.S. Code § 361 – Nonrecognition of gain or loss to corporations; treatment of distributions.

What is the fourth digit in the revenue code?

The fourth digit defines the frequency of the bill for processional claims. The leading zero should not be reported on electronic claims.

What claim uses revenue codes?

Revenue codes are not used on physician claims but are required on institutional claims. Typically, the revenue code indicates what department or place a procedure or treatment is performed, such as the emergency room, or operating room.

What is P9047 used for?

HCPCS code P9047 for Infusion, albumin (human), 25%, 50 ml as maintained by CMS falls under Blood and Blood Products, with Associated Procedures .

What is procedure code 86850?

CPT® 86850, Under Transfusion Medicine Procedures The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code 86850 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range – Transfusion Medicine Procedures.

What is revenue code 272?

“A home health and hospice care facility is billing revenue code 272 with no HCPCS or CPT code. This revenue code is not included in the provider’s contract but can be added if it is determined that the. code is payable with no HCPCS code.