What are Group 15 herbicides?

Acetamide, chloroacetamide, oxyacetamide, and tetrazolinone herbicides (Group 15) are examples of herbicides that are currently thought to inhibit very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA) synthesis (Husted et al. 1966; Böger et al. 2000).

What are Group 2 herbicides?

Group 2 herbicide families and herbicide trade names.
Herbicide family Herbicide
Imidazolinones Absolute, Adrenalin, Assert, Odyssey, Pursuit, Solo
Sulfonylureas Accent, Ally, Escort, Express, Muster, Option, Prism, Refine Extra, Sundance, Triton, Ultim, Unity
Sulfonamides Everest, K2

What are Group A herbicides?

The Group A herbicides have little soil activity so are applied post-emergent. Herbicides from Group A are selective in that they kill grass weeds without damaging broadleaf crop or weed species (see table below).

What is a group four herbicide?

Dicamba, the active ingredient in Engenia, is a Group 4 (WSSA) herbicide. Herbicides in this group mimic auxin (a plant hormone) resulting in a hormone imbalance in susceptible plants that interferes with normal plant growth (e.g. cell division, cell enlargement, and protein synthesis).

What herbicides are Group 14?

Most current recommendations for Group 14 herbicides are for mixtures with another herbicide, e.g. carfentrazone plus glyphosate, pyraflufen plus MCPA amine. There are also some co-formulations that incorporate at least two modes of action e.g. Aptitude® (carfentrazone + metribuzin) and Pyresta® (pyraflufen + 2,4-D).

What is a Group 22 herbicide?

A Group 22 herbicide is the major or only herbicide used; A Group 22 herbicide has been used for 12 – 15 years or more; and. There has been minimal or no soil disturbance following application.

What is Group 3 pesticide?

3A. Pyrethroids. Alpha-cypermethrin, Beta-cyfluthrin, Bifenthrin, Cyfluthrin, Deltamethrin, Esfenvalerate, Fenvalerate, Lambda-cyhalothrin, Pyrethrins. 4A.

What group is 2 4 D herbicide?

Group 4

Pesticide Type Herbicide (Group 4)
Chemical Class Phenoxyacetic herbicide
Common Trade Names* Enlist One, Enlist Duo, Weedone 638 broadleaf herbicide, Unison
Registration Status EPA: Registered since 1940s MN: Registered

What is a Group 14 herbicide?

Group 14 herbicides are inhibitors of the protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) enzyme. There are currently no known populations of weeds resistant to Group 14 in Australia. However, there are 6 weeds with confirmed resistant to Group 14 herbicides elsewhere in the world and in particular in populations of Amaranthus spp.

What weeds in Ontario are resistant to Group 2 herbicides?

In Ontario, pigweed that are resistant to both triazine (Group 5 – examples: atrazine, metribuzin) and to ALS herbicides (Group 2 – examples: Pursuit, Classic, Pinnacle) have been identified. Some populations of ryegrass in Australia are resistant to up to 10 different chemical groups.

What is Sprayseed?

Sprayseed 250 is a herbicide by Sygenta for rapid, knockdown control of a broad range of grasses and broadleaf weeds. It can be utilised in crop establishment programs.