What are glucose disposal agents?

Glucose disposal agents (GDAs) are substances that aid the uptake of glucose from the blood stream into the muscle tissue where it can be used immediately to fuel activity, or can be stored in the muscles and liver as Glycogen to provide energy when needed later.

Is Metformin a glucose disposal agent?

Metformin and exercise independently improve glycemic control. Metformin traditionally is considered to reduce hepatic glucose production, while exercise training is thought to stimulate skeletal muscle glucose disposal.

Do glucose disposal supplements work?

Glucose Disposal Agents can do a lot of good for your body composition and help your performance in the gym by allowing your body to divert nutrients to your muscles rather than fat. But do your research because not all GDAs are created equal.

What does Project ad Matador do?

Matador is the ultimate glucose disposal agent. It amplifies the anabolic effects of the master hormone insulin, driving nutrients forcefully towards the muscles for extreme growth and away from unwanted fat storage.

How do you use a glucose disposal agent?

How to take it. GDAs can be taken almost any time that a single meal containing a large amount of carbohydrates is consumed (minimum 50-80g) to improve insulin control and stabilise blood sugar levels. We recommend taking no more than 3 servings per day. One should certainly be positioned pre-workout.

Is Cinnamon a glucose disposal agent?

The natural agents found in cinnamon serve as insulin to keep the blood glucose level stable [8].

What is in berberine?

Berberine is a chemical found in some plants like European barberry, goldenseal, goldthread, Oregon grape, phellodendron, and tree turmeric. Berberine is a bitter-tasting and yellow-colored chemical. It might help strengthen the heartbeat, which could benefit people with certain heart conditions.

When should you take GDA?

GDAs can be taken almost any time that a single meal containing a large amount of carbohydrates is consumed (minimum 50-80g) to improve insulin control and stabilise blood sugar levels. We recommend taking no more than 3 servings per day. One should certainly be positioned pre-workout.

When should I take an RPG?

With RPG, you can take it prior to each carbohydrate meal you eat throughout the day. If you are trying to gain fat-free mass, taking RPG prior to each meal will help transport the glucose into the muscle so it can be stored as glycogen for energy. 3.