What are fluffies rave?

iHeartRaves signature rave fluffies are made of high quality faux fur and come with elastic heart string ties that are adjustable, and an inside satin lining for a comfortable fit. These furry leg warmers can be worn over hosiery, leg wraps, leggings, or just alone.

What does Fluffy mean urban dictionary?

Urban Dictionary: fluffy Fluffy – Usually describing a person or a behavior that is soft, cute and anything unmanly. Normally seen as an insult or an embarrassment.

What does it mean if a girl is Fluffy?

The term “fluffy” has recently become a popular adjective used to describe the physical make-up and attitude of women of a particular body type in Jamaican society. Fluffy women are big bodied women who medically would be considered to be overweight, placing them at elevated risk of certain health conditions.

Does fluff mean fart?

(Australia, euphemistic) A fart. (Can we add an example for this sense?) (UK, role-playing games) A form of roleplaying which is inconsequential and not related to the plot; often used in the context of (but not limited to) filling time.

What does flappy mean?

loose; flapping; tending to flap. dialect. giddy; unsteady.

What is a nice word for fart?

What is another word for fart?

flatulence flatus
gas wind
vapoursUK vaporsUS
intestinal gas air biscuit
fluffer-doodle barking spider

What does to broach mean?

to bring up as
: to bring up as a subject for discussion She broached an idea. broach. noun. \ ˈbrōch \

What is Floopy?

Floopy. Feeling off, weird or unsure. “I wanted to tell you then, but I don’t know, I felt all floopy.”

What does ears flapping mean?

trying to hear
informal. If you say that someone’s ears are flapping, you mean that they are trying to hear what you are saying, even though they are not part of your conversation.