What are dimorphic branches?

Branch. dimorphism is initiated after 1 to 2 years of growth at which time the apical meristem of the. orthotropic shoot aborts and a pseudowhorl of plagiotropic branches is initiated from axillary. positions in the shoot tip. The plagiotropic branches are characterized by a distichous phyllotaxis.

What are dimorphic leaves observed in gymnosperms?

Solution : In gymnosperms two types of leaves are seen (i) One type of leaves are thin, flat and brown scaly and (ii) other type of leaves are foliage leaves. Since two types of leaves are present on the same plant the leaves are called dimorphic.

What are fern leaves called?

The leaves of ferns are often called fronds. Fronds are usually composed of a leafy blade and petiole (leaf stalk). Leaf shape, size, texture and degree of complexity vary considerably from species to species. A fern leaf or frond. Parts of a fern leaf.

What are dimorphic plants?

Abstract. Among dioecious flowering plants, females and males often differ in a range of morphological, physiological, and life-history traits. This is referred to as sexual dimorphism, and understanding why it occurs is a central question in evolutionary biology.

What does the term dimorphic mean?

Definition of dimorphism : the condition or property of being dimorphic or dimorphous: such as. a : the existence of two different forms (as of color or size) of a species especially in the same population sexual dimorphism. b : the existence of a part (such as leaves of a plant) in two different forms.

Which of the following possess dimorphic leaves?

The leaves of Pinus and Gnetum are dimorphic, that is they are having two kinds of leaves-scale leaves and foliage leaves.

Are fern leaves pinnate?

Leaves with feather-like structures are also classified as pinnate leaves, and most known species of fern possess pinnate leaf structures (with a few notable exceptions). In fronds, the central supporting axis, or petiole, of the leaf is also called the rachis.

What is dimorphism in biology?

Sexual Dimorphism. Sexual Dimorphism. Sexual dimorphism is the systematic difference in form between individuals of different sex in the same species. For example, in some species, including many mammals, the male is larger than the female. In others, such as some spiders, the female is larger than the male.