What are cultural resources?
What are cultural resources?
Cultural resources are any prehistoric or historic remains or indicators of past human activities, including artifacts, sites, structures, landscapes, and objects of importance to a culture or community for scientific, traditional, religious, or other reasons.
What are the types of cultural resources?
Cultural Resources are tangible remains of past human activity. These may include buildings; structures; prehistoric sites; historic or prehistoric objects or collection; rock inscription; earthworks, canals, or landscapes.
What are the two types of cultural resources?
cultural resources includes archaeological sites and objects; historic sites and objects; as well as traditional sites and objects used by Native Americans.
What is a cultural resource assessment?
Historic and cultural resource assessments are designed to provide information on whether or not a project will impact or affect buildings, structures, sites, or districts that are listed as historical.
What are the importance of cultural resources?
Keeping natural resources in balance helps provide the basis for a healthy and profitable farm environment; keeping cultural resources provides the basis for understanding our human past. The stewardship of these nonrenewable resources is an important link in the conservation ethic that underlies the NRCS mission.
What are cultural resources NEPA?
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) can be a powerful tool for managing the impacts of the modern world on “cultural resources” such as historic buildings, historic districts, archeological sites, Native American traditional places, and traditional ways of life.
What is the importance of cultural resources?
Is language a cultural resource?
The language is an artifact of the kinds of relationships that are established through everyday use of the languages in all domains of social and cultural life. The proper management of the cultural resources through language ensures the healthy social life of the community.
What is a Phase 1 cultural resources survey?
Phase 1 fieldwork usually consists of a visual, on-the-ground examination of the project area. It can be a cursory examination, as in a “red flag” or reconnaissance level survey, or it can be an intensive pedestrian survey with systematically excavated shovel tests and/or mechanically excavated exploratory trenches.
What is a Phase 1 archaeological survey?
A Phase I archaeological survey is often the first step in the archaeological process. The goal of a Phase I archaeological survey is to determine the presence or absence of archaeological resources within a project area.
What is the purpose of cultural resources management?
Cultural Resource Management (CRM) is a process that people use to manage and make decisions about scarce cultural resources in an equitable manner. CRM (also known as Heritage Management) includes cultural landscapes, archaeological sites, historical records, and spiritual places, among other things.
Which resource is also called cultural resources *?
Cultural resources include archaeological sites of prehistoric or historic origin, built or architectural resources older than 50 years, traditional or ethnographic resources, and fossil deposits of paleontological importance.