What are contraction bands in MI?
What are contraction bands in MI?
Contraction bands are associated with reperfusion. In myocardial infarction, they are most likely seen at margin of infarct. They can also be seen in cases of sudden cardiac death and perioperative ischemia during cardiac surgery. They represent hypercontraction due to massive calcium influx.
What are contraction bands?
The name of the histopathologic finding comes from the appearance under the microscope; contraction bands are thick intensely eosinophilic staining bands (typically 4-5 micrometres wide) that span the short axis of the myocyte. They can be thought of extra thick striae, typical of cardiac muscle and striated muscle.
What is no reflow phenomenon?
This phenomenon is known as no-reflow. No-reflow is defined as inadequate myocardial perfusion through a given segment of the coronary circulation without angiographic evidence of mechanical vessel obstruction (4).
What is a stunned myocardium?
“Stunned” myocardium is myocardium that suffers transient reversible myocardial contractile dysfunction induced by acute ischemia wherein the blood supply is almost completely restored on reperfusion and suffers no metabolic deterioration.
What is coagulation necrosis?
Coagulative necrosis is a type of accidental cell death typically caused by ischemia or infarction. In coagulative necrosis, the architectures of dead tissue are preserved for at least a couple of days.
What is myocardial blush?
Myocardial blush grade (MBG) is a simple visual angiographic assessment of myocardial perfusion in the infarct area, as first described by van’t Hof et al7; MBG seems to be of additional value, especially in patients with restored epicardial blood flow because MBG reflects the extent of damage of the microvascular bed.
What is no reflow after PCI?
Introduction and Definition “Reperfusion no reflow” occurs after primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for reperfusion of an infarct artery in the setting of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and may be asymptomatic or may present clinically with continued chest pain and ST-segment elevation.
What is the difference between myocardial stunning and hibernation?
Definitions: Stunned myocardium is viable myocardium salvaged by coronary reperfusion that exhibits prolonged postischemic dysfunction after reperfusion. Hibernating myocardium is ischemic myocardium supplied by a narrowed coronary artery in which ischemic cells remain viable but contraction is chronically depressed.
What is a hibernating myocardium?
The term “hibernating myocardium” refers to the presence of persistently impaired LV function at rest, due to a reduced coronary blood flow that can be partially or completely restored to normal after revascularization.