What are computer busses and ports?
What are computer busses and ports?
The system bus, also called the memory bus, makes a connection between the CPU and the main memory of the computer that resides on the motherboard. Input/Output (I/O) or expansion buses are responsible for connecting the peripheral devices (mouse, keyboard, flash drives) to the Central Processing Unit (CPU).
What is a bus on a computer?
A bus is a subsystem that is used to connect computer components and transfer data between them. For example, an internal bus connects computer internals to the motherboard. A “bus topology” or design can also be used in other ways to describe digital connections. A bus may be parallel or serial.
What is IO port?
(1) (Input/Output port) An I/O port is a socket on a computer that a cable is plugged into. The port connects the CPU to a peripheral device via a hardware interface or to the network via a network interface.
What type of bus does PCI use?
Whereas PCI uses a 32-bit or 64-bit parallel bus, PCI Express uses a serial bus, which is faster than a parallel bus because it transmits data in packets similar to how an Ethernet network, USB, and FireWire transmit data. A PCIe expansion slot can provide one or more of these serial lanes.
What is the biggest type of bus?
Volvo has launched the world’s largest bus – a behemoth of a transporter that can carry up to 300 passengers at one time. The Gran Arctic 300 is a biarticulated bus, meaning it has two bendy parts connecting the three passenger-carrying sections.
What are the different sizes of buses?
School buses range anywhere from 20 to 45 feet in length. In general, buses that are 20-25 feet long are considered mini or short. While buses that are 25-35 feet long fall into the mid-size category, and buses over 35 feet are full-sized.
What is USB bus?
A Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a common interface that enables communication between devices and a host controller such as a personal computer (PC) or smartphone. It connects peripheral devices such as digital cameras, mice, keyboards, printers, scanners, media devices, external hard drives and flash drives.
What is PCI bus computer?
A Peripheral Component Interconnect Bus (PCI bus) connects the CPU and expansion boards such as modem cards, network cards and sound cards. These expansion boards are normally plugged into expansion slots on the motherboard.