What are BTL strategies?

Key Takeaways. Below-the-line advertising is an advertising strategy where products are promoted in media other than mainstream radio or television. Below-the-line advertising campaigns include direct mail campaigns, trade shows, catalogs, and targeted search engine marketing.

What are the ATL activities?

Implementing ATL activities:

  • Television: Advertising campaigns directed at the regional or national level.
  • Print media: Promotional messages in newspapers, online articles, and advertisements.
  • Radio: Pan-country or pan-city radio broadcasts.

What is BTL and ATL activities?

Above the line (ATL) marketing is a mass promotional activity, carried out for creating brand image and awareness. On the contrary, BTL, i.e. Below the line marketing is a targeted promotional campaign, which is used to initiate direct interaction with the particular group.

What are above the line marketing activities?

Above the line marketing, or ATL marketing, is a mass media method for targeting a wide audience of potential customers. One of its main goals is to build brand recognition. A few of these methods include radio, magazines, newspapers, television, and billboards.

What is BTL marketing examples?

Examples of BTL promotion are:

  • Sales promotion.
  • Direct marketing and direct mail.
  • Public relations (PR)
  • Sponsorship.
  • Personal selling.
  • Branding and merchandising.
  • Packaging.
  • Telemarketing.

What is BTL event?

BTL stands for below the line, and in terms of marketing, BTL events or activities become immediate force to connect with the audiences. Yes, BTL marketing or events activities are a talented and cost-effective means that focus on a target audience and particular gathering.

What are the examples of BTL?

Is email marketing above or below the line?

Below the line advertising – In contrast to ATL, below the line advertising is directed to reach a small, targeted audience. BTL includes marketing activities such as brochures, direct mail, flyers, sponsorships and email campaigns.