What are better words for great?

enjoyable, amusing, delightful, lovely.

  • pleasant, congenial, diverting.
  • exciting, thrilling.
  • excellent, marvellous, wonderful, superb, first-class, first-rate, admirable, fine, splendid, very good, good.
  • What is a fancy word for goal?

    Some common synonyms of goal are aim, design, end, intention, intent, objective, object, and purpose. While all these words mean “what one intends to accomplish or attain,” goal suggests something attained only by prolonged effort and hardship. worked years to reach her goals.

    Is good better than great?

    Just apply the following rule of thumb: If something* is GOOD, you must convince and sell it to others. If something is GREAT, people will automatically flock to it. Leaders that repeatedly ‘win’ understand that the real secret to success is knowing how to go from good to great.

    What is better than setting goals?

    Systems are almost the antithesis of goals, in that they’re entirely about creating a repeatable set of actions instead of considering the overarching goal that they’re working towards. If goals are the macro, systems are the micro. They’re how you achieve your goals.

    What is higher great or good?

    Good avoids risks. Great embraces risks. Good is not in demand. Great is in high demand.

    Which is higher great or very good?

    Good< Great < Wonderful. Good means it desirable or it’s nice. Great means it’s better than good, as in very good.

    How do you achieve a successful goal?

    10 tips to achieve your goals

    1. Have SMART goals. You’re not going to achieve your goals if they aren’t SMART.
    2. Write them down. Don’t just daydream about your goals — put pen to paper and write them down.
    3. Make your goals visible.
    4. Break it down.
    5. Develop a plan.
    6. Take action.
    7. Keep perspective.
    8. Identify potential obstacles.

    How do you say great performance?

    great performance

    1. accomplishment.
    2. achievement.
    3. centerpiece.
    4. chef-d’oeuvre.
    5. creation.
    6. culinary masterpiece.
    7. dish fit for a king.
    8. dish of the day.