What are B holes?

B-holes, the food, look like doughnut holes but are made of bagel dough with various fillings and toppings. In fact, founder Grant Sarvis, a former Ted’s Bulletin bartender, says he got the idea after seeing doughnut holes abbreviated as “d-holes.”

What is the PP hole called?

The urethra is the tube that carries urine and sperm through the penis to the outside. The opening to the outside is called the “meatus.” Both tasks are easier when the meatus is at the tip of the head (“glans”) of the penis.

What does a bum hole mean?

Definition of butthole vulgar slang. 1 : anus. 2 : a stupid, annoying, or detestable person But I did like the one where he thought the trombone was a scientific instrument. That one I liked because he was such a butthole.—

What do you mean by hole?

1 : to make an opening through or a hollowed-out place in (as by cutting, digging, boring, or shooting at) : to make a hole (see hole entry 1) in The ship was holed along the waterline by enemy fire. 2 : to drive or hit into a hole hole a putt The dogs holed the fox. intransitive verb.

Can your pee hole close?

It’s called a urethral stricture. Scar tissue builds up in the tube, Dr. Lee says, narrowing the opening. That makes it hard to pee: The stream becomes slow and it may hurt, he says. Eventually, the tube can close completely.

What does bum crack mean?

The space between the buttocks
Noun. bum crack (plural bum cracks) (slang) The space between the buttocks.

What is hole in pn junction?

The open circles on the left side of the junction above represent “holes” or deficiencies of electrons in the lattice which can act like positive charge carriers. The solid circles on the right of the junction represent the available electrons from the n-type dopant.

What is hole body?

An orifice is an opening or a hole, most often in the body, such as your mouth or your nostril.

Why do I spray when I pee?

It happens when the edges of the urethra get temporarily stuck together. The urethra is the tube that carries urine (and also semen, in men) out of the body. This sticky situation is often caused by dry ejaculate that doesn’t fully exit the urethra, gumming up the pipes.

Why does my pee spray male?

Erratic urine stream in males can also be a result of prostatitis, UTI or enlarged prostate. Urine spraying instead of coming out in a strong stream is a treatable problem. Split urine stream is a more common problem in men than in women.