What are attainable combination of output?
What are attainable combination of output?
Attainable combination of output: Those combinations which can be produced with the help of given resources and technology. Unattainable combination of output: Those combinations which can not be produced with the help of given resources or technology.
What are the attainable combinations on PPC?
The point of PPF that are attainable are called the attainable combinations. The points inside and on the PPF are attainable for the firm. The points that lie inside the PPC means that the actual production is falling short of its capabilities and there is a wastage or inefficient utilization of resources.
What is the difference between attainable and unattainable combinations?
Unattainable combinations of output are opposite of attainable combination of output and are those combinations which cannot be attained or produced with the help of given resources and technology.
Can non attainable combinations ever be attained?
NON-attainable: This is the production of one good vs another which cannot be done. Because your productive capacity is limited due to the limited resources. You want to make 20 chocolates and 15 toffees but you cannot due to lack of resources. So therefore, they are unattainable.
What does unattainable mean in economics?
All points outside of the curve are unattainable (because they require more resources than are available) without trade with an external producer (such as is the case with international trade). All points within the curve are attainable but productively inefficient.
What does unattainable mean in PPC?
The PPC can demonstrate the fact that because of scarcity, we must make choices. A point outside the PPC (like point A) is unattainable. . Given our assumptions, this economy cannot produce at point A. As we learned in our lesson on graphing, any point on a graph represents two numbers.
What do you mean by production possibility frontier explain the attainable and unattainable combinations with the help of production possibility frontier?
A production possibilities frontier, or PPF, defines the set of possible combinations of goods and services a society can produce given the resources available. Choices outside the PPF are unattainable (at least in any sustainable way), and choices inside the PPF are inefficient.
What is an unattainable point?
Points that lie to the right of the production possibilities curve are said to be unattainable because they cannot be produced using currently available resources.
Do all attainable combinations point to the same level of output?
Answer: No. Explanation: Attainable combination are split in 2, on the ppc and inside the ppc. The point on the curve means that the resources and technology is used fully, to its capability.
What does not attainable mean?
Definition of unattainable : not able to be accomplished or achieved : not attainable unattainable goals an unattainable ideal.
What do you mean by production possibility frontier explain the attainable and non attainable combinations with the help of production possibility frontier?
Key takeaways. A production possibilities frontier, or PPF, defines the set of possible combinations of goods and services a society can produce given the resources available. Choices outside the PPF are unattainable (at least in any sustainable way), and choices inside the PPF are inefficient.
What are attainable points?
Any point that lies either on the production possibilities curve or to the left of it is said to be an attainable point: it can be produced with currently available resources.