What are all the flavor of ice cream?

32 Best Ice Cream Flavors

  • Chocolate.
  • Vanilla.
  • Strawberry.
  • Mint chocolate chip.
  • Butter pecan.
  • Chocolate chip cookie dough.
  • Cookies n’ cream.
  • Rocky road.

Which Flavour ice cream is best?

America’s Top 10 Ice Cream Flavors

  1. Vanilla. Above all types of ice cream flavors, vanilla is America’s favorite for a reason: it’s simple and it goes with everything.
  2. Chocolate.
  3. Cookies & Cream.
  4. Mint Chocolate Chip.
  5. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
  6. Buttered Pecan.
  7. Birthday Cake.
  8. Strawberry.

What are the three types of ice cream?

Do You Know the Different Styles of Ice Cream?

  • Sorbet. Commonly used as a palate cleanser in fancier meals, sorbet is one of the types of ice cream with the iciest consistency.
  • Hard Custard.
  • New England Style.

What ice cream starts with K?


  • KaleidoScoops (US)
  • Kawartha Dairy Company (Canada)
  • Karnataka Milk Federation (India)
  • Kelly’s of Cornwall (UK)
  • Kibon (Brazil)
  • Klondike (US)
  • Kowloon Dairy (Hong Kong)
  • Kwality Wall’s (India)

How many flavours are there?

There are five universally accepted basic tastes that stimulate and are perceived by our taste buds: sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami.

What flavor is GREY ice cream?

According to Jeni’s, they get that natural gray color for the “Sunshine” ice cream with a combination of “natural fruit and vegetable juices — namely carrot, pumpkin, and spirulina.” And apparently the ice cream tastes like “sunny citrus and tropical fruit.” The ingredient list includes passion fruit juice, lemon oil.

What are the 10 most popular ice cream flavors in India?

The best ice cream flavours in India, ranked

  • The duets (that did it)
  • Naturals’ tender coconut.
  • Nirula’s legendary hot chocolate fudge.
  • Mississippi Mud by Baskin Robbins for the chocolate lover.
  • The desi delight that is kulfi faluda from Jaipur.
  • NIC’s gulab jamun goodness.
  • Jaljeera ice candy for the chaat addict.