What are affirmative action reports?

An Affirmative Action Plan (“AAP”) is a written document or “program” outlining the steps a company has taken and will take to ensure equal employment opportunity. An AAP is prepared based on employment data for the previous year and looks forward to what steps the employer will take over the next year.

What are the key components of an AAP?

By taking a deeper look into the essential components of a successful and complete Affirmative Action Program, you can decrease your risk of non-compliance and transform your AAP into a strategic asset….

  • AAP Planning Process and Technology.
  • Good Faith Efforts.
  • Employee Awareness Training.
  • Adverse Impact Analysis.

What are the steps in affirmative action program?

Step 1: Develop and Post an Equal Opportunity Policy.

  • Step 2: Assign Responsibility for AAP Review and Implementation.
  • Step 3: Develop an Organizational Display.
  • Step 4: Conduct a Workforce Analysis.
  • Step 5: Perform a Job Group Analysis.
  • Step 6: Conduct an Availability Analysis.
  • What is the purpose of affirmative action?

    The purpose of affirmative action is to establish fair access to employment opportunities to create a workforce that is an accurate reflection of the demographics of the qualified available workforce in the relevant job market.

    What are the three steps of an affirmative action plan?

    An affirmative action plan or program under this section shall contain three elements: a reasonable self analysis; a reasonable basis for concluding action is appropriate; and reasonable action.

    What are the four goals of affirmative action?

    Historically and internationally, support for affirmative action has sought to achieve goals such as bridging inequalities in employment and pay, increasing access to education, promoting diversity, and redressing apparent past wrongs, harms, or hindrances.

    What is an affirmative action plan HR?

    An affirmative action plan (AAP) is a plan or program that outlines a federal contractor or subcontractor’s efforts to provide equal employment opportunities and generally support the advancement of employees regardless of gender, race, disability, or veteran status.