What are 3 major plains regions of the world?


Which of the following are reasons why some plains are not fertile?

Which of the following are reasons why some plains are not fertile? Flood waters spread silt from the hills onto the plains. Flood waters spread sand and gravel on the plains. The water on the land cannot drain, leaving it damp.

Which culture is best known for their development of the alphabet?

History Quiz 9/4

Question Answer
Modern history ranges from the time period of A.D. ________ to present. 1500
Which culture is best known for its development of the alphabet? Phoenicians
Which two cultures are best known for their development of a calendar? Babylonians Egyptians

What climate is the Great Plains?

continental climate
The Great Plains have a continental climate. Over much of their expanse, cold winters and warm summers prevail, with low precipitation and humidity, much wind, and sudden changes in temperature. The major source of moisture is the Gulf of Mexico, and the amount falls off both to the north and west.

What is a plain landform?

A plain is a broad area of relatively flat land. Plains are one of the major landforms, or types of land, on Earth. They cover more than one-third of the world’s land area. Plains exist on every continent. Grasslands.

Which set of soil classes is well suited for cultivated crops?

Class I—
Class I—Soils in class I have few limitations that restrict their iise. Soils in this class are suited to a wide range of plants and may be used safely for cultivated crops, pasture, range, woodland, and wildlife.

How did the Roman Empire change northwestern Europe physically culturally and politically?

The Roman Empire changed Northwestern Europe physically by building towns, roads, and cities. It was changed culturally because the Romans established Christianity in Northwestern Europe. Politically because they regained Holy Land from the Muslims.

How did the first alphabetic writing system arise from pictorial systems?

Before the alphabet was invented, early writing systems had been based on pictographic symbols known as hieroglyphics, or on cuneiform wedges, produced by pressing a stylus into soft clay.

How did the Latin alphabet evolve from Egyptian hieroglyphics?

The Latin alphabet is the writing system originally used by the ancient Romans to write the Latin language. It evolved from the visually similar Cumaean Greek version of the Greek alphabet, which was itself descended from the Phoenician abjad, which in turn derived from Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Is the Great Plains Hot or cold?

The Great Plains have a continental climate. Much of the plains experience cold winters and warm summers, with low precipitation and humidity, much wind, and sudden changes in temperature. More rainfall occurs in summer than in winter, except in some of the northwestern parts of the Great Plains.

Where are the coldest climates in North America?

These are the coldest cities in America.

  1. Fairbanks, Alaska. > Average monthly minimum temperature: -16.9 F.
  2. Grand Forks, North Dakota. > Average monthly minimum temperature: -3.1 F.
  3. Fargo, North Dakota.
  4. Williston, North Dakota.
  5. Duluth, Minnesota.
  6. Aberdeen, South Dakota.
  7. St.
  8. Bismarck, North Dakota.

What is valley landform?

A valley is a lowland area or depression found between mountains and hills often with streams and rivers running through it. It usually features rounded sides that mimic a V or a U shape. It’s created through erosion by streams or glacial actions.