What anatomy is visible on a panoramic radiograph?

A panoramic image displays the patient’s maxillary and mandibular oral and facial structures across a flat surface.

What is the main indication for panoramic radiographs?

Indications and contraindications of panoramic radiographs It is frequently indicated when professionals want to evaluate some structures such as unerupted third molars, orthodontic treatment, tooth development, developmental abnormalities, trauma, large lesions, and others [1, 2].

What anatomical landmarks can be seen on a panoramic film?

Identification of anatomical landmarks on a panoramic radiograph: (1) pterygomaxillary fissure, (2) inferior border of orbit, (3) nasal septum, (4) zygomatic buttress of maxilla, (5) real image of the hard palate or floor of the nose, (6) ghost image of the hard palate, (7) posterior wall of maxillary sinus, (8) soft …

What is focal trough?

The focal trough is the area in which structures will appear most sharply and clearly. Structures, which fall in front of or behind, the focal trough, can be distorted, magnified or reduced. The size and shape of the focal trough varies between manufacturers.

What does a panoramic radiograph show quizlet?

What valuable role do panoramic radiographs play? Examining large areas of the face and jaw, locating impacted teeth or retained root tips, evaluating trauma, lesions, and diseases of the jaw, assessing growth and development.

Why is the recognition of normal anatomic landmarks important on a panoramic image?

It is important to understand the landmarks normally seen on panoramic images in order to prevent misdiagnosis of a radiopaque or radiolucent area.

What are the anatomical landmarks?

Anatomical landmarks are defined as biologically meaningful loci that can be unambiguously defined and repeatedly located with a high degree of accuracy and precision. The relative location of landmarks provides a spatial map of the relative location of the features that the landmarks represent.

Why is focal trough important?

Accurate images can be obtained when the object is placed in the focal trough. In this layer, the X-ray tube and sensor have similar speed. The focal trough layer is a three-dimensional curved layer.

Which of the following should appear in a panoramic image that was taken correctly?

Which of the following should appear in a panoramic image that was taken correctly? The pulp chambers are clear and visible in the anterior teeth.

Which type of film is used in panoramic radiography?

Screen film is used in panoramic imaging; this film is sensitive to the light emitted from intensifying screens (see Chapter 7).