What airlines fly out of Yemen?

Scheduled airlines

Felix Airways FO FXX
Queen Bilqis Airways QBA
Yemenia IY IYE

Does Yemen have an airline?

Yemenia (Arabic: اليمنية) is the flag carrier airline of Yemen, based in Sanaa.

What airlines fly out of Ras Al Khaimah?

Airlines and destinations

Airlines Destinations
Air Arabia Cairo, Dhaka, Islamabad, Lahore, Peshawar
airblue Islamabad, Lahore
Air India Express Kozhikode
Belavia Minsk

How many hours is it from Egypt to Aden?

Yes, the driving distance between Egypt to Aden is 3038 km. It takes approximately 40h 2m to drive from Egypt to Aden.

What is the name of Yemen International Airport?

SAH Sana’a International Airport
The 8 biggest airports in Yemen

IATA Name City
SAH Sana’a International Airport Sana’a
ADE Aden International Airport Adan
HOD Hodeidah International Airport Hodeida
RIY Mukalla International Airport Riyan

How many airplanes does Yemen have?

5 Aircraft
Yemenia – Yemen Airways Fleet Details and History

Yemenia – Yemen Airways
Headquarters Sanaa El Rahaba (SAH / OYSN)
Fleet Size 5 Aircraft
Average Fleet Age 1 14.4 Years
Official Site yemenia.com

How long is the flight from Cairo to Aden?

3 hours and 30 minutes is the average flight time from Cairo to Aden.

How many hours is it from Cairo to Aden?

03h 30m
In a week, around 1 flights travel from Cairo to Aden. The travel duration between these cities in a non-stop flight is usually around 03h 30m….Information of Cairo Aden Flight.

Total flights from Cairo to Aden in a week 1 flights
Time of Cairo to Aden flights 03h 30m

Are Yemen airports open?

Aden International Airport and Seiyun Airports remain open for commercial flights.