What agricultural products does Mexico import?

Mexico imports significant volumes of grains, especially corn, wheat and soy from the United States, meat (beef, pork), processed foods, carbonated beverages and various types of dairy. The fresh fruit and vegetables imports are also dominated by North American companies.

What agriculture does Mexico export?

Mexico’s main crops include grains such as corn and wheat, tropical fruits and various vegetables. Agricultural exports are important, especially coffee, tropical fruits and winter fruits and vegetables. Sixty percent of Mexico’s agricultural exports go to the United States.

What is Mexico’s major imports and exports?

Mexico: Exports And Imports

Rank Top Exports Top Imports
1 Crude Petroleum Refined Petroleum
2 Cars Vehicle Parts
3 Vehicle Parts Integrated Circuits
4 Delivery Trucks Computers

What are 3 major exports from Mexico?

Among Mexico’s major exports are machinery and transport equipment, steel, electrical equipment, chemicals, food products, and petroleum and petroleum products. About four-fifths of Mexico’s petroleum is exported to the United States, which relies heavily on Mexico as one of its principal sources of oil.

What are the top 3 imports of Mexico?

Imports The top imports of Mexico are Integrated Circuits ($28.3B), Vehicle Parts ($21.6B), Refined Petroleum ($18.1B), Office Machine Parts ($14.9B), and Telephones ($7.85B), importing mostly from United States ($196B), China ($59.8B), Germany ($13B), South Korea ($10.7B), and Malaysia ($10.2B).

What is Mexico’s main import?

What are some of Mexico’s Major imports and exports?

Details About Mexico’s Exports/Imports Refined Petroleum. The annual value of the global refined petroleum trade is $753 billion and Mexico is the fourth-largest importer with a 4.16% share of the market, compared to the Gold. Tropical Fruits. Tomatoes. Silver.

What are the top three imports of Mexico?

Electrical machinery,equipment: US$82.9 billion (21.6% of total imports)

  • Machinery including computers:$65.9 billion (17.2%)
  • Vehicles:$32.1 billion (8.4%)
  • Mineral fuels including oil:$25.1 billion (6.6%)
  • Plastics,plastic articles:$21.9 billion (5.7%)
  • Optical,technical,medical apparatus:$15.7 billion (4.1%)
  • Iron,steel:$8.8 billion (2.3%)
  • What are some imports of Mexico?

    Some chemicals

  • Radioactive or nuclear materials
  • Some textiles
  • Explosives
  • Firearms
  • Some textiles
  • And other areas of sensitive economic or national security nature
  • How much the US imports from Mexico?

    – Up to $1,600 in goods will be duty-free under your personal exemption if the merchandise is from an IP. – Up to $800 in goods will be duty-free if it is from a CBI or Andean country. – Any additional amount, up to $1,000, in goods will be dutiable at a flat rate (3%).