What age is a 20 inch bike suitable for?

7 to 9 years old
A bike with 18 or 20-inch wheels will be suitable for riders that are 7 to 9 years old and of average height (47.7″ – 52.5″). If your child is taller than average, they may need a 16-inch bike.

What size child does a 20 inch bike fit?

Most 8 and 9-year-olds will fit on a 20-inch wheel bike. Meanwhile, a 10-year-old (or older) will likely use the 24-inch size. Keep in mind that if your 10-year-old is smaller, they may still be more comfortable with a 20-inch bike wheel.

Which is the best kids cycle brand?

We have compiled a list of the Most Popular Kids Bicycles on ChooseMyBicycle.com.

  • BSA FLORA 16 – ₹4,955.
  • FIREFOX BREEZE 24 – ₹10,600.
  • HERCULES STREETCAT 16 – ₹3,890.

Is a 20 inch bike good for a 7 year old?

A 20 inch bike is generally the best fit to buy for 6 and 7-year-olds. If your child is already 8 or is a very tall 7-year-old, also consider 24-inch bikes as they would offer more room for growth.

How do I choose a bike for my child?

  1. 1 Think about where your child will be riding. It can be tough to choose between a bike with gears and hand brakes and one with just one speed and coaster brakes.
  2. 2 Find the right fit. Choose the bike based on your child’s size, not age.
  3. 3 Go lightweight.
  4. 4 Consider bypassing the training wheels.

Which cycle is best for 8 year old?

The Best Bikes for 8 to 11 Year-Olds of 2022

  1. Raleigh Alysa 24-Inch Kids’ Bike.
  2. RoyalBaby Freestyle Bicycle.
  3. Guardian Kids Bikes Ethos 24-Inch.
  4. Mongoose Title Elite 24-Inch BMX Race Bike.
  5. Diamondback Bicycles Tess Youth 20-Inch.
  6. Dynacraft Magna Kids BMX Bike.
  7. Mongoose Exlipse Mountain Bike.
  8. Schwinn 24-Inch Girl’s Cruiser Bike.