What activities can you do with balloons?

Here are some ideas:

  • Bouncing Balloon Contest. Perhaps the most obvious of ideas, but it can still keep the kids entertained!
  • Balloon Races.
  • Balloon Science.
  • DIY Stress Ball.
  • Balloon Ornaments.
  • Puppet Show.
  • Noodle-oons.
  • Balloon-Powered Lego Car.

How do you make a water fight fun?

Bring plenty of things to play with. Water pistols are probably first on anyone’s wish list for water fight games, but you don’t need to limit yourself to them. Water balloons, buckets, hoses, sponges, and rags can all be used to soak an opponent.

How can I make my water fight better?

More water fight tips

  1. Set a time limit for the games to save water usage and and make sure everyone is hydrated inside as well as outside their bodies.
  2. Wear light, flexible clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty and VERY wet.
  3. Remember to have dry clothes to hand so everyone can get changed quickly when they’re done.

How do you play water balloon hot potato?

Musical Water Balloon Hot Potato – Form a circle and grab one water balloon. When the music begins, start passing around the water balloon. When the music stops the person holding the balloon is out. Continue until only one person remains.

What can you make with balloons for kids?

14 Kids Craft Ideas You Can Make With Balloons!

  • Wacky Sacks — Balloons filled with play dough from Somewhat Simple.
  • Confetti Balloon Bowl from DIY Ready.
  • Make your own balloon car from Cool Progeny.
  • Balloon print spider craft for kids by I Hearty Crafty Things.
  • DIY water balloon flip flops by About a Mom.

What are some fun water games?

25+ Water Games for Kids To Play All Summer Long

  • Water Bucket Race. Add a water bucket race to your next backyard party or play date.
  • Sponge Bulls-Eye! Paint target circles and point amounts on the ground.
  • Sprinkler Twister.
  • Water Balloon Toss.
  • Squirt Blaster Races.
  • Water Limbo.