What activities are recommended in teaching listening & speaking?

7 Listening Activities that Promote Attentiveness in the Classroom

  • Model Good Listening Strategies.
  • Partner Conversations.
  • Teach “Whole Body Listening”
  • Daily Listening Activities.
  • The Storytelling Listening Game.
  • Storytelling Pods.
  • 20 Questions Listening Game.

How do you teach listening skills with activities?

Try these activities to help develop and sharpen your child’s listening skills.

  1. Read stories to your child.
  2. Cook with your child.
  3. Have conversations about things your child is interested in.
  4. Play the telephone game.
  5. Create a list of questions with your child for him or her to ask you or a sibling.

How do you teach listening to speaking?

How to practice listening and speaking skills

  1. Teach students activities and games that bolster their ability to demonstrate listening skills while also having fun.
  2. Provide ongoing support by displaying anchor charts that list expectations, such as: voices off, eyes on the speaker, focused attention on the speaker.

What are pre-listening activities?

Pre-listening activities are things learners do before a listening activity in order to prepare for listening. These activities have various purposes, including pre-teaching or activating vocabulary, predicting content, generating interest and checking understanding of task.

How do you plan a listening lesson?

Here are the steps that you can follow when planning a listening lesson plan.

  1. Set the Context. This introduces the theme of your listening topic.
  2. Pre-Listening Task. Next, you’ll need to assign students a pre-reading task.
  3. Listening #1.
  4. Listening #2.
  5. Pronunciation (optional)
  6. Application.
  7. Follow Up.

What are 4 listening strategies?

Strategies for Effective Listening

  • Make eye contact. Making and maintaining eye contact with the speaker lets them know they have your undivided attention.
  • Ask follow-up questions. If the speaker’s message is unclear, ask clarifying questions to gain more information.
  • Be present and attentive.
  • Don’t interrupt.