Was Suyin in the Red Lotus?
Was Suyin in the Red Lotus?
But Suyin is a member of the Red Lotus… In fact, she’s actually Momo in disguise, Momo killed and skinned Suyin, then hid in her skin.
Who is Suyin Beifong’s husband?
Suyin is happily married to an architect named Baatar, with whom she has five children; she considers family of utmost importance.
Is Suyin Beifong Sokka’s daughter?
Netflix weighs in on Suyin’s parentage In Avatar: The Legend of Korra, Toph has a daughter named Suyin. Suyin’s father is never revealed, but Netflix suggests that it’s actually Sokka who paired up with Toph.
Is aiwei a traitor?
Aiwei is a major antagonist in Book 3 in The Legend of Korra. Aiwei was Suyin Beifong’s trusted second-in-command, and also an emissary and truth seer of Zaofu, however Aiwei was really a terrorist, affiliated with the radical anarchist organization known as the Order of the Red Lotus.
Is P Li combustion man’s daughter?
P’Li is a combustion bender and assumed daughter of Combustion Man from the original series. She is a long time member of the Red Lotus and Zaheer’s girlfriend.
How is Zaheer related to Aang?
Basically he’s the first son of aang. He went down the wrong path and took airbending way too far in a way that aang didn’t approve of in a more aggressive and combative style that goes against air nation ways and he misinterpreted the gurus writings distorting his worldview.
Who is Suyin father?
Toph had two daughters who were half-sisters, Lin and Suyin, but refused to tell them who their fathers were. It was only much later, during the events of The Legend of Korra, that Toph casually told Lin her father was a nice man called Kanto with whom things didn’t work out. Suyin’s father, meanwhile, remains unnamed.
Is aiwei LGBT?
Aiwei is a gay character from The Legend of Korra.
Who helped Zaheer in Zaofu?
After Opal’s departure for the Northern Air Temple, Aiwei secretly helped Zaheer and his gang infiltrate Zaofu through a secret passage in his house, yet the criminals failed to capture the Avatar.
Why does Ming-Hua have no arms?
“She was born without arms” doesn’t equal “she was born with the water whips.” It just means that her disability was present from birth, and she used waterbending adaptively; the water whips were essentially prostheses.