Should I give Glover Mallory the pickaxe?
Should I give Glover Mallory the pickaxe?
The Dragonborn can choose not to return the pickaxe to Glover Mallory and keep it instead. It will remain in the inventory as a quest item, making it a useful, weightless pickaxe. Glover Mallory will let the Dragonborn keep the pickaxe, explaining that he only wanted to teach him that it is not right to steal.
Is Glover Mallory related to Delvin Mallory?
Glover Mallory is a Breton blacksmith living in Raven Rock, in Solstheim. He is the father of Sapphire, brother of Delvin Mallory, and a member of the Thieves Guild.
Is Glover Mallory a fence?
There are no fences anywhere on Solstheim. It is actually possible to receive a fishing job from Delvin Mallory with Glover as the target. Though his character class is technically CombatThief, Glover is still fully functional as a Blacksmith, being in appropriate merchant factions to provide services.
Should I keep ancient Nordic pickaxe?
Only the Ancient Nordic Pickaxe can be used to mine Stahlrim in the many locations it can be found across Solstheim. It is recommended to quickly complete this quest before taking on the quest The Final Descent, as a source of Stahlrim can be found deep in the mine.
Is the ancient Nordic pickaxe good?
It is the only kind of pickaxe that is capable of mining Stalhrim, as well as being capable of mining anything that can be mined with a normal pickaxe. By the Fourth Era, there are very few of the pickaxes remaining. It can be enchanted, but cannot be improved with Smithing.
Can you give Glover Mallory’s letter to Sapphire?
In the Dragonborn expansion, it is revealed that Sapphire is Delvin Mallory’s niece and the daughter of the Raven Rock blacksmith Glover Mallory. If you tell her this by bringing her Glover’s Letter, she will reward you with an exquisite sapphire.
Can you marry Sapphire from the Thieves Guild?
After the quest is completed, Sylgja can be married and will also reward the player with a random necklace.
Who is Glover Mallory’s daughter?
In the Dragonborn DLC, it is revealed that Sapphire is Delvin Mallory’s niece and the daughter of the Raven Rock blacksmith, Glover Mallory. This is revealed after completing Glover’s quest (Paid in Full) on Solstheim by retrieving the improved Bonemold Formula for him.
How do you get Glover Mallory’s armor?
- All the Blackguard’s Armor items will respawn when Glover Mallory’s basement resets, allowing multiple copies of the set to be obtained.
- You can get the armor without joining the Thieves Guild by taking a wooden plate, holding it in front of you, and running at door to glitch through.
Does Stalhrim Respawn?
All stalhrim armor and weapons can be found in leveled lists starting at level 35. Stalhrim will respawn with the rest of their location after a certain period of time.