Who walked with Martin Luther King?

Who walked with Martin Luther King? James M. Letherer (December 30, 1933 – December 18, 2001), born and died in Saginaw, Michigan, better known as Jim Letherer, was an American civil rights activist. He walked on crutches the entire 54 miles of the 1965 Selma to Montgomery march for voting rights, and in 1966 walked […]

What do seated lat raises work?

What do seated lat raises work? A lateral raise works your shoulder muscles as well as your triceps. To do this exercise: Stand or sit with your arms at your sides and a dumbbell in each hand. How do you do a seated lateral raise machine? With a bend in the elbows and moving only […]

Can you use scratch paper on GMAT?

Can you use scratch paper on GMAT? On the online GMAT, you will not be able to use scratch paper. You are required to use an online whiteboard tool. It is cumbersome and you must practice and familiarize yourself with its functionality BEFORE test day. You will not receive your scores immediately after completing the […]

Can you send Wake-on-LAN over the Internet?

Can you send Wake-on-LAN over the Internet? If you don’t have a PC handy, you can use a mobile app like Wake On Lan(Opens in a new window) (Android) or Mocha WOL(Opens in a new window) (iOS). They work the same way as the desktop apps above: you can either scan your network for devices, […]

Are IV vitamins worth it?

Are IV vitamins worth it? In addition to the most widely cited benefit of curing hangovers, IV vitamin treatments can supposedly help fight exhaustion and boost the immune system. However, there is little scientific evidence to back these claims. “These treatments are mostly harmless and really just result in people making expensive urine.” How often […]

Can you survive a grand mal seizure?

Can you survive a grand mal seizure? If you’re at risk, you can take steps to help prevent a fatal seizure. While still low, the likelihood of dying from a seizure is higher in people who have a history of frequent, uncontrollable seizures, as well as those who have a history of tonic-clonic seizures (sometimes […]

How do you compliment a girl on her dance?

How do you compliment a girl on her dance? Dance Spirit has compiled some compliments to help you share the good vibes. Your épaulement is so gorgeous. I love watching your dynamics as you go across the floor. Your smile lights up the studio. Your energy is so infectious—it makes everyone else want to go […]

Do ash borer beetles fly?

Do ash borer beetles fly? Don’t Move Firewood It’s true, the emerald ash borer adults can fly. That means it will move without out help. But, it won’t fly more than a mile or two every year. What kills ash borer? There are four active ingredients used to control emerald ash borer: imidacloprid, dinotefuran, emamectin […]

What is a StarTAC phone?

What is a StarTAC phone? The StarTAC is the successor of the MicroTAC, a semi-clamshell design first launched in 1989. Whereas the MicroTAC’s flip folded down from below the keypad, the StarTAC folded up from above the display. In 2005, PC World named the StarTAC as the 6th Greatest Gadget of the Past 50 Years […]

What is Thuja plicata used for?

What is Thuja plicata used for? Bark fiber was woven into baskets, fishing nets, and sails for canoes” (Cooke 1997). The wood was used to make, dugout canoes, house planks and posts, totem and mortuary poles, hanger, bentwood boxes, dishes, arrow shafs, combs, fish clubs, fish hangers, fish wires, masks, rattles, benches, coffins, etc. Is […]

What is super B complex used for?

What is super B complex used for? This medication is a multivitamin product used to treat or prevent vitamin deficiency due to poor diet, certain illnesses, or during pregnancy. Is Super B Complex a good vitamin? B vitamins play a vital role in maintaining good health and well-being. As the building blocks of a healthy […]

How do you test a viscous hub?

How do you test a viscous hub? When your motor is hot, you should be able to hear the fan kick in. If you can’t, pop the bonnet, and turn the vehicle off while watching the fan. If it comes to a fairly abrupt stop, the fan hub is working properly. If it keeps spinning […]