Is a 390 Ford engine a big block?

Is a 390 Ford engine a big block? The Ford 390 was a 6.4-liter (390.04ci) gasoline big block V8 engine that was produced between 1961 and 1976. The 390 was part of the Ford-Edsel (FE) engine family, which was produced from 1958 to 1976. The 390 is a torquey and bulletproof motor that’s still popular […]

How do you make Parasade?

How do you make Parasade? Warm milk on stove to dissolve sugar, do not boil. Keep milk warm until ready to use. Heat a large pot or caharee on medium, melt ghee and butter, add flour and stir quickly to dissolve, begin parching by stirring continuously. Turn heat to medium-low and continue to parch flour/ghee/butter […]

What is SPC on calipers?

What is SPC on calipers? Having an “SPC Output” means you are able to press a button and send that data to a PC or data collector for statistical analysis or data recording. What does no SPC mean? SPC stands for Statistical Process Control. In the manufacturing industry, a poor product—defined as not meeting spec— […]

Are masks required at the Staten Island Zoo?

Are masks required at the Staten Island Zoo? Zoo admittance is limited to ONLY the Clove Rd. entrance (across from the Zoo parking lot on the corner of Martling Ave and Clove Rd.) Reserving tickets in advance of your Zoo visit is recommended but is not required. Masks are not required, and can be used […]

Can I run my furnace without the condensate pump?

Can I run my furnace without the condensate pump? The condensate trap is absolutely mandatory for a high-efficiency gas furnace. Since the drain taps into the exhaust system, leaving it open to the air would allow for a potential exhaust/flue gas leak in the living space, which is a big no-no. How often should a […]

What to do if gas fireplace is leaking?

What to do if gas fireplace is leaking? What do you do if you suspect a gas leak in your home? Immediately exit the building and move at least 350 feet away. Call 911 or call your gas company (such as PSE&G). How do you find a leak in a gas fireplace? Fill a cup […]

What do the Sirens in the Odyssey symbolize?

What do the Sirens in the Odyssey symbolize? While the men escape the dangerous rocks on the Sirens’ shore, this behavior says something curious abut Odysseus’ character. The Sirens symbolize temptation, desire, and risk. Any man that passes the isle is tempted to stop his ship and listen to the Sirens’ sweet sounds. How does […]

How do I remove the first two characters of a string?

How do I remove the first two characters of a string? To remove the first 2 characters from a string, use the slice method, passing it 2 as a parameter, e.g. str. slice(2) . The slice method returns a new string containing the specified portion of the original string. How can I remove a character […]

What technology is used in biogas?

What technology is used in biogas? Biogas systems rely on the natural interaction between microorganisms and organic wastes – such as manure, sewage, agricultural by-products, and discarded food – to produce a clean and energy-efficient burnable gas. The gas is distributed through a network of pipes and is used for cooking and heating. Who developed […]

Why does Shakira have a laundry service?

Why does Shakira have a laundry service? Shakira chose to entitle the album Laundry Service as she wanted to represent her passion for love and music, which she compared to soap and water, saying “The reason I named it “Laundry Service” is because I’ve spent the year dedicated to my two great passions: love and […]

What is the structure of sucrose?

What is the structure of sucrose? C12H22O11Table sugar / Formula What is organic sucrose? Organic Sucrose is a coarse brown sugar with a medium grain. Also known as turbinado sugar, it is similar in taste to the brown sugar you find in your cupboard. However there are key differences that make it better for personal […]

How do I access Azure FTP?

How do I access Azure FTP? You need to open/forward ports in Azure firewall/NAT for use with FTP server. Go to the Network page of your virtual machine. Create rule for the FTP control connection: Click Add inbound port rule. Create rule for FTP data connections according to the range you specified when setting up […]