Is ZOLL E Series biphasic?

Description. The ZOLL E Series defibrillator is a rugged and ready defibrillator intended for use by EMS personnel. ZOLL’s Rectilinear Biphasic™ waveform (RBW) was designed specifically for external defibrillation to control for variations in patient impedance.

What type of defibrillator is the ZOLL M Series?

The M Series®CCT defibrillator features a three-channel display for ECG and up to two invasive pressures with ranges covering arterial, pulmonary arterial, central venous or intracranial pressure as well as two temperature channels.

Is ZOLL R Series monophasic or biphasic?

Rectilinear Biphasic Waveform
All Zoll defibrillators feature their proprietary Rectilinear Biphasic Waveform (RBW) technology. It is the only biphasic waveform that has demonstrated clinically superior results when compared to monophasic waveforms for: Cardio version of atrial fibrillation.

How much does a ZOLL defibrillator weigh?

Size: 8.2 in (20.8 cm) high x 10.5 in (26.7 cm) wide x 12.5 in (31.7 cm) deep. Weight: 13.6 lbs (6.2 kg) with OneStep™ Cable and SurePower™ battery pack; 15.2 lbs (6.9 kg) with paddles. Power Sources: AC Mains: 100 to 120 V AC (50/60 Hz), 220 to 240 V AC (50 Hz); Battery: Rechargeable lithium ion battery pack.

How do you silence Zoll?

To mute for 90 seconds: Press ALARM SUSPEND button. 4. To reactivate muted alarm: Press ALARM SUSPEND button.

When was the Zoll Life Vest invented?

The LifeVest was approved by the FDA in 2001, and has been prescribed more than 35,000 times, according to ZOLL, which is based in Pittsburgh and part of the Asahi Kasei Group Company. It is the only wearable defibrillator on the market.

How many joules do you use for defibrillation?

The 2015 American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines for defibrillation state that it is reasonable to use the manufacturer’s recommended dose of the first defibrillation shock. On a biphasic defibrillator, this is usually between 120 joules to 200 joules. On a monophasic defibrillator, this is usually 360 joules.

What is the difference between monophasic and biphasic defibrillators?

In monophasic shock, the shock is given in only one direction from one electrode to the other. In a biphasic shock, initial direction of shock is reversed by changing the polarity of the electrodes in the latter part of the shock. Usually the initial voltage applied is higher than the reversed polarity shock.

How many shocks can a ZOLL AED deliver?

300 shocks
The ZOLL unit runs on 10 batteries that provide 300 shocks in a resuscitation. Even with if 5 individual batteries failed (an astronomically unlikely scenario), the unit would be able to deliver 150 shocks (more than enough to work many average resuscitations).

What is the smallest AED?

The HeartSine Samaritan Pad 300P AED is the smallest and lightest AED in the industry! At only 2.4 pounds and a compact design, it is ideal for fitting anywhere and packing along in any bag.