Is Wrath of the Titans worth watching?

“Wrath of the Titans” is a sequel of “Clash of Titans” that is better and better than the first film. The story is engaging and full of action, with a great cast and magnificent CGI. “Wrath of the Titans” is not a masterpiece but fans of the genre will certainly not be disappointed.

What is the message of the Clash of the Titans?

The main messages from this movie are about valuing your own humanity, and fighting for the love of your family. Values in this movie that you could reinforce with your children include family love and sacrificing yourself to save the lives of others.

Is Clash of the Titans appropriate?

Clash of the Titans is rated PG-13 by the MPAA for fantasy action violence, some frightening images and brief sensuality. Violence is almost the exclusive concern for parents deciding if this movie is suitable for family members.

How old should you be to watch Clash of the Titans?

The monsters would be scary to younger children, but not for a 13 year old. We love this old movie. It’s a great adventure plot, and good acting.

Is wrath of man suitable for teenagers?

The MPAA rated Wrath of Man R for strong violence throughout, pervasive language, and some sexual references.

Why is the Kraken in Clash of the Titans?

The Kraken appears in the 2010 remake as an adversary of Perseus. The Kraken is seen in the beginning, when the narrator explains Hades created him to slay the Titans. He was then tricked into the Underworld. It is assumed that Zeus forced Hades to lock up the Kraken so he wouldn’t harm anyone.

Is Clash of the Titans scary?

The CGI monsters are often frightening. The movie is filled with fantasy violence, including some blood and fighting with swords or bows and arrows that sometimes result in death and dismemberment.

Is there any nudity in Wrath of the Titans?

SEX/NUDITY 2 – A few men are seen bare-chested. Two giant Cyclopes are shown shirtless and wearing skirts, revealing bare chests. One man in a dungeon wears only a loincloth that reveals his full body except genitals, but he is covered with mud and dirt from head to toe.