Is world history important for UPSC?

History is an important subject in UPSC Civil Service Prelims and Mains exam. For Prelims examination, History is divided into three sections – Ancient India, Medieval India and Modern History. For Civil Services Mains Examination, World History is also there in UPSC Mains syllabus.

What should I read in modern history for UPSC?

Books that can help you learn Modern Indian History for UPSC

  • History Of Modern India by Bipan Chandra. ( Click to buy)
  • India’s Struggle For Independence by Bipan Chandra (Click to buy)
  • From Plassey To Partition and After by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay (Click to buy)
  • Modern India: 1885-1947 by Sumit Sarkar (Click to buy)

What is modern history in UPSC?

Modern history portion (middle of the 18th century to 1947) is part of the UPSC Prelims syllabus so prepare notes accordingly. However, India’s Freedom Struggle and Post Independence India is part of the UPSC Mains Syllabus so you will need extensive notes for that.

Is Ncert enough for History?

NCERT books act as foundation base, aspirants should not see covering NCERT books as last thing. E.g. for certain subjects like Geography, science & Technology or Word History and Indian History NCERT books are the best.

Which Ncert is best for History?

#1. History – Old NCERTs + TN Ncerts

  • Ancient India – RS Sharma (NCERT | Class 11)
  • Medieval India – Satish Chandra (NCERT | Class 11)
  • Modern India – Bipan Chandra (NCERT | Class 11)
  • Environment and Biodiversity NIOS material (Zip File – Use desktop/ laptop)
  • Tamil Nadu History (11th)
  • Tamil Nadu History (12th)

Who is the father of modern history?

Bishop William Stubbs
Bishop William Stubbs was the last of the amateur historians and arguably the discipline’s first professional. Historian and Bishop William Stubbs has been called the ‘Father of Modern History’.

Is 6 to 12 NCERT enough for UPSC?

UPSC asks many questions from NCERT textbooks. If you are an IAS aspirant, we recommend you start from Class 6 NCERTs. If you cover Class 6 to Class 12 of all humanities subjects, you will develop a clear understanding of almost all basic concepts. You should also cover relevant chapters of Science books.

Is Spectrum enough for modern history prelims?

What you learn is plenty enough for Prelims as well as Mains. Comparatively, Modern Indian History will be easier in Mains as you can be relieved of memorizing too much, and you can explain your arguments with the knowledge you have.