Is turalyon a Paladin?

High Exarch Turalyon (pronounced “Tuhr-AHL-ee-ohn”) is one of the first five paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand along with Uther the Lightbringer, Saidan Dathrohan, Tirion Fordring, and Gavinrad the Dire. Contrary to the other paladins, Turalyon was previously a priest rather than a warrior.

What happened to turalyon and alleria?

Alleria and Turalyon ended up elsewhere on Draenor, in an area of the Twisting Nether that was beginning to merge with the self-destructing world. They were found by Lothraxion, a former member of the Burning Legion who had joined the Army of the Light.

Who was Lothar’s son?

Callan Lothar was the only son of Anduin Lothar and Cally Lothar.

Why is Gazlowe trade prince?

Remarking that “under new management” was just another way of saying that “opportunity’s knockin”, Gazlowe agreed to Thrall’s request, thus becoming the Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel and their representative on the council.

Is Anduin Wrynn a Paladin?

anduin is not a true paladin, He was trained how to fight before becoming a priest by his father. He then learned archery by tyrende and later trained priesthood by velen. He never underwent a paladin ceremony and made the light apart of him.

Is Anduin Wrynn related to Anduin Lothar?

He is considered one of the greatest warriors in human history. King Varian Wrynn named his son, the current King of Stormwind, after him. He was one of the main protagonists in Orcs & Humans and Tides of Darkness….

Anduin Lothar
Companion(s) Llane Wrynn, Medivh (best friends)

Who is anduin based on?

Anduin was named after two venerated figures of Stormwind history: his grandfather King Llane Wrynn and the legendary Sir Anduin Lothar.

Is Vereesa windrunner a blood elf?

After her husband’s death and an act of treason both caused by the blood elves within the Kirin Tor, Vereesa joined Jaina Proudmoore, who succeeded Rhonin, in the Sunreaver Purge of Dalaran….

Vereesa Windrunner
Race High elf (Humanoid)
Class Elven ranger, Hunter
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde